Remarry my wife

Chapter 492 Zheng Yuan's Child

Chapter 492 Zheng Yuan's Child (7)

corner of the venue.

"Is he Su Ruo's son?" a nice male voice.

"Well, Su Ruo's son." Another voice took over.

"He's very handsome, very much like Su Ruo." Zheng Yuan's blue eyes kept looking at the little boy on the stage, with all kinds of emotions in his heart. It's been 5 years. He really didn't expect to see Su Ruo after 5 years. My son is cute.

"Well, it's very similar." Xiang Yang looked at the child, and then turned to look at Zheng Yuan. This man was too calm, his eyes no longer had the clarity and vicissitudes of yesterday.

"Are they here too?" Zheng Yuan didn't look at the auditorium, he was afraid that seeing Su Ruo would hurt his heart.

Xiang Yang nodded, he had already seen the Xiao family couple just now.

"Is she doing well?" Zheng Yuan couldn't help asking, he still couldn't forget it after 5 years.

Xiang Yang nodded again, could Su Ruo be unhappy?She has a husband who loves her so much and two such lovely children.

Zheng Yuan didn't speak anymore, but kept staring at the little boy on the stage. If the misunderstanding had not been cleared up, the boy would still belong to him, but now he could only watch on and off the stage.

After the little boy finished performing, it was Su Ruo's daughter's turn. Seeing Su Ruo's daughter appear like a little princess, Zheng Yuan couldn't help but sighed.

"A very beautiful child." Seeing the little girl playing the piano, Zheng Yuan said.

Xiang Yang still nodded, he envied Su Ruo in his heart.

"Next is Xiao Yi, isn't it?" Zheng Yuan asked.

"Yes, it's Xiao Yi, the last one to appear." Xiang Yang said to Xiao Yi, with a smile on his face.

That was the child he and Zheng Yuan adopted together, with shadows of him and Zheng Yuan on him, he must be a very promising child in the future!
"Honey, this champion must be Xiao Qiao." After listening to his youngest daughter's performance, Xiao Tang concluded that although he was a layman, he had been with Su Ruo for a long time and understood a lot.

"There is the last child!" Although Su Ruo said this verbally, she had already agreed to Xiao Tang's words in her heart. Her daughter was gifted and intelligent since she was a child, and none of the previous children could compare with her own daughter. It seems that This champion is really the youngest daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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