Remarry my wife

Chapter 495 Zheng Yuan's Child

Chapter 495 Zheng Yuan's Child (10)

Xiao Tang followed Su Ruo's eyes and was stunned when he saw the two men.

When Zheng Yuan saw the Xiao family couple looking at him, he worked hard for a long time to squeeze out a smile as a greeting.

Su Ruo also twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled. Unexpectedly, she would see Zheng Yuan and Xiang Yang after 5 years. When she saw the child standing between them, she also understood. No wonder this child is so good at playing the piano. It turned out that Zheng Yuan It's his teacher, no wonder no wonder!
The few people didn't look at each other for a long time, because the host was about to announce the result, Xiao Tang stretched out his hand and hugged Su Ruo in his arms. Everyone knew this gesture.

Su Ruo turned her head, the matter was over, and she gradually forgot about it, but remembering the scene of Zheng Yuan leaving for the last time, she would never forget it for the rest of her life, the obvious pain made her feel uncomfortable, she was kind-hearted and could not see Others are sad!
The host was reporting the results. Su Ruo was very nervous. Her son won the third prize. When she heard that her daughter had won the second prize, she was slightly stunned. When the first prize was Zheng Yi, she couldn't help but look back. Turning to Zheng Yuan's position, he saw them talking excitedly.

"It's okay, the second prize is also very good." After the result was announced, the younger daughter cried, because she only won the second prize, Xiao Tang hurriedly comforted her.

"Good boy, just try harder next time." Su Ruo also hurriedly comforted her when her little daughter's crying drew her back to her eyes.

"Sister, don't cry, brother will avenge you." Xiaoguai slipped from Su Ruo's arms and rushed towards Zheng Yuan.

"Come back..." Seeing Xiaoguai rushing over there like this, Su Ruo became anxious and hurried to catch up, Xiao Tang also hurried over with her daughter in his arms.

Seeing Su Ruo's family running towards them, Zheng Yuan and Xiang Yang were both stunned.

Su Ruo hugged Xiao Guai when he was about to rush to Zheng Yi.

"Hello!" Zheng Yuan and the others were already in front of her, and Su Ruo greeted them awkwardly.

"Hello!" Zheng Yuan was stunned for a moment before making a sound. Looking at Su Ruo so closely, she still hasn't changed at all, and she is still so beautiful and clean, which makes people's heart ache.

PS: This is the end of today's update.Did you see it?This episode will be about the love story between Zheng Yi and Xiao Xiaoyin, and let Zheng Yi make up for this regret for Zheng Yuan. If you want to watch the content in time, you must subscribe and will remind you.

(End of this chapter)

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