Remarry my wife

Chapter 514 Restoring the Light

Chapter 514 Restoring the Light (2)

Seeing his sister stretching out her hand, Xiao Yichen hurriedly reached out to hold his hand, seeing her sister holding his hand tightly all the time, Xiao Yichen sighed silently again.

After letting Xiao Xiaoyin lie back on the bed and covering her with the quilt, Xiao Yichen sat beside her younger sister who was only one year younger than him. The two of them didn't speak, and the room was quiet...

"Brother, isn't sister-in-law back yet?" Remembering Zheng Yi's saying that her brother has been very busy recently, Xiao Xiaoyin calmed down and asked softly.

Xiao Yichen only hummed lightly, without elaborating.

Xiao Xiaoyin didn't speak anymore. She was very tired. After closing her eyes, she felt a sense of security from her palms, and she slowly fell asleep...

When I woke up the next day, the sun was already high outside the window.

Xiao Xiaoyin had a dream all night. She dreamed that she was wearing a white wedding dress and a man wearing the same white dress entered the auditorium, but she couldn't see the man's face clearly. She only knew that she was smiling very sweetly. very happy……

Touching the gauze on her face, it can be removed in a few days, and she can see things again. Let the painful things go. As for what happened last night, she always felt that she had done something wrong. A dream, such an unreal dream, is a pity that it is a fact, a cruel fact!
She never wanted to see those two men again. All the good things in the past were ruined yesterday!
For the past few days when Xiao Xiaoyin took off the gauze from her eyes, her life was very peaceful, and she slowly walked out of the shadows.

Xiao Yichen saw it in his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his sister has a good heart. She won't be like some women who like to go into a dead end. If someone comes to die or live, he really can't bear it. It's terrible, and I still have to take care of my sister, which feels a bit incompetent.

On the day when Xiao Xiaoyin took off the gauze from his eyes, he specially took care of the matter, and then personally sent his sister to the hospital.

"Brother, I haven't seen the scenery of City R for several years." When going to the hospital by car, Xiao Xiaoyin said happily. She was naturally happy to see things.

"City R has become very beautiful, I'll take it for a walk with my brother later." Xiao Yichen said with a smile.

Xiao Yichen told her a lot about the changes in City R, Xiao Xiaoyin listened quietly all the time, and the tension of going to the hospital was reduced a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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