Remarry my wife

Chapter 516 Her Chapter Memory

Chapter 516 Her Memories (1)

The Xiao brothers and sisters looked for the source of the sound, and frowned when they saw Ouyang Yan.

"Xiaoqiao..." After several months, I finally saw Xiaoqiao, and Ouyang Yan walked towards her quickly.

Seeing Ouyang Yan walking towards him with a limp, Xiao Xiaoyin couldn't help stepping back. Although Ouyang Yan was limped after a car accident, his facial features were still very handsome. She used to like his bad face She smiled, but seeing him now, she couldn't help but feel scared in her heart. Thinking of the scene of him beating herself up when he was addicted to drugs, she felt a chill in her heart.

Seeing Ouyang Yan walking towards them, his sister retreated behind him in fear, Xiao Yichen frowned even tighter, when Ouyang Yan reached out to pull Xiao Xiaoyin, he pushed him away, and said coldly Said: "Ouyang Yan, you still dare to come to my sister now?"

"Brother, is it wrong for me to come to find my wife?" Pushed by Xiao Yichen, Ouyang Yan was already limping, but he was pushed to the ground by the difference, but fortunately he stabilized his body, otherwise he would have made a fool of himself.

Hearing Ouyang Yan's brash words, Xiao Yichen sneered: "Just you? You still want to be the son-in-law of the Xiao family, aren't you rehabilitating drugs abroad? Did you sneak out?"

"It's nothing, I don't take drugs anymore." Upon hearing this, Ouyang Yan said with a strong reaction, and then looked at Xiao Xiaoyin who was behind Xiao Yichen: "Xiaoqiao, you are my wife, we have both received certificates, you How can you leave me?"

"Why did you get the certificate?" Xiao Yichen was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, and then quickly turned to look at his sister.

Xiao Xiaoyin had regret and anger on her face. She was too deep in love in the past, and she was deceived by Ouyang Yan's sweet words and defrauded her heart and body. If Ouyang Yan didn't remind her now, she would really forget her She got a marriage certificate with him. Thinking of this, she became even more frightened.

"Divorce, see you in the court!" Looking at his sister's expression, Xiao Yichen already understood that his sister is really not ordinary muddleheaded!

"Why do you want a divorce? Xiaoqiao and I are fine, why do you want a divorce?" Ouyang Yan was anxious when he heard that, he wanted to pull Xiaoqiao, but Xiao Yichen tightly guarded him behind him.

"You still say that?" Xiao Yichen mocked for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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