Remarry my wife

Chapter 520 Start Action

Chapter 520 Start Action (2)

During dinner, Xiao Yichen told Xiao Xiaoyin about going to chase his wife home.

"Brother, you have to work hard to chase sister-in-law back." Xiao Xiaoyin cheered.

"Brother is a little worried that you are at home alone." Xiao Yichen frowned.

"What's there to worry about? Aren't there many servants and bodyguards at home? Brother, you don't have to worry about me, just go about your own business." Xiao Xiaoyin gave Xiao Yichen a reassuring smile.

"You must take good care of yourself. When my brother brings back his sister-in-law and children, the house will be full of excitement."

Xiao Xiaoyin nodded, now she only hopes that her brother can be happy, and she herself, it may be good to live in peace like this, but it may not be what she thinks, with someone like Zheng Yi, she It's hard to live a peaceful life!

After Xiao Yichen left, Zheng Yi came.

When eating at noon, Xiao Xiaoyin frowned when he saw Zheng Yi wearing an apron and walking towards the dining table with a dish in his hand and a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Xiaoyin stood up from his seat in surprise and anger.

"It's nothing, I just came to see you." Zheng Yi said softly as he put the dishes on the table without changing his face.

"I don't need you to look at me, get out, get out right away." Xiao Xiaoyin was furious, knowing that she hated him very much now, but he came without her consent.

"I'll get out after you finish eating." Zheng Yi's tone didn't change, he didn't hurt Xiao Xiaoyin's scolding.

"Get out of here immediately!"

"Xiao Qiao, as I said before, I won't leave until I see you finished eating." Zheng Yi said calmly, then untied her apron, looked at Xiao Xiaoyin: "I did it before you You can try the dishes you like."

Xiao Xiaoyin glanced at the food on the table, she felt strange, why today's food looks so familiar, usually the chef of Xiao's family cooks delicious food, today's food looks like there is no decoration at all, just like home-cooked food In the same way, she also wondered if the cook had changed. Looking at it now, it was all her favorite food, which reminded her of the past. Zheng Yi was a very independent person. When he was in college, he lived outside alone. Every time she went to see him, he would personally cook and cook her favorite dishes. Thinking of the past and looking at the things in front of her, she always felt that there was such a big difference.

(End of this chapter)

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