Remarry my wife

Chapter 58 A Woman Needs to Be Coaxed

Chapter 58 A Woman Needs to Be Coaxed (1)

At night, Qiu Hong came to look for Su Ruo again.

Su Ruo leaned on the bed and read a book, seeing Qiu Hong come in without even knocking on the door, she was a little disgusted.

"How are you thinking?" Qiu Hong looked in a good mood today, with a smile on his face.

"Divorce." Su Ruo replied directly.

"You damn girl, it seems that my old lady is too kind to you." Qiu Hong's smile collapsed, she was so angry that her daughter made her so angry, she calmed down, let herself suppress her anger, and put on a friendly attitude "Ruoruo, Mom is giving you a few days to think about it. I don't want our mother and daughter to fall out because of this matter."

"I won't change my mind." Su Ruo said lightly, without taking her eyes off the book in her hand.

"I'll give you another three days. I'll go back to rest first, and you should go to bed early." After Qiu Hong finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Su Ruo curled the corner of her mouth, she knows her mother too well, she will give you the soft ones first, and then the hard ones, she is really curious what her mother will give her, she can't get out, so she can only wait and see what happens .

No more thinking about things in my heart, Su Ruo has no dreams all night...

In a box of a high-end restaurant, three men had lunch together.

"I heard that you broke up with that popular actress?" Pan Ziyuan asked Xiao Tang who was also eating the same meal while using the western food in front of him.

Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows, ate his meal gracefully, and said lightly, "Since when have you become such a paparazzi?"

"I'm not a paparazzi, but I care about you, brother. Seeing that your woman has changed one after another, when will it be settled? Don't you want to have a baby for fun?"

"Hehe... isn't Ah Tiao married? What are you talking about?" Sato Miyahisa laughed.

"Tch, what I'm talking about is calm down. Is Ah Tiao's wife still a wife? I really doubt that A Tiao has never even touched her wife's body." Pan Ziyuan laughed.

"How is it possible, his wife is so beautiful, and Ah Tang is not Liu Xiahui, how could he not touch her!" Sato Miyahisa objected.

"I think Ah Tiao just doesn't know how to touch, or else that kind of woman would have been fascinated by her."

(End of this chapter)

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