Remarry my wife

Chapter 75 Rough treatment

Chapter 75 Rough treatment (5)

"Hurry up and let me go, it's not fun for you to do this at all, it will only make me feel sick!" Su Ruo was irritated, is Xiao Tang playing with her now?

When Xiao Tong heard this, his face darkened, he stretched out his hand, grabbed Su Ruo's chin, and made her look at him, his voice was a little cold: "Are you saying I'm playing with you? Su Ruo, I don't know how to eat Stay full!"

"Then what are you doing? Is it interesting?" Su Ruo was almost confused by Xiao Tang.

"Didn't you hear what your mother said just now? We have been together for more than 2 years, and we always want a child. What do you think?"

"I don't want it!" Su Ruo refused without thinking.

"Why?" Xiao Tang narrowed his eyes dangerously, he hated women's repeated rejections.

"I have no relationship with you, I don't want my child to be born and suffer!" Su Ruo said very seriously.

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly. Children are the regulators of the family, so they should be born."

"The price is my child's happiness. I won't make such a dangerous attempt, so let me go immediately!" Su Ruo said angrily.

Being rejected again and again, Xiao Tang really got angry this time, and his patience has a limit.

Seeing Xiao Tang's silence, Su Ruo panicked a little, the atmosphere was too weird, it was a harbinger of a storm coming.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Ruo had a thought, Xiao Tang turned over and crushed Su Ruo.

"What are you doing..." Su Ruo was in a hurry, with panic on her face.

"Create a human!" Xiao Xuan finished coldly, pulled the ribbon that had just been tied on the head of the bed, pressed Su Ruo's struggling hand, and quickly tied it together with the bedpost.

"You bastard, if you act recklessly, I will call the police. This is domestic violence..." Su Ruo's face was filled with horror and grief.

"Do you think the police in City R will stand by your side?" Xiao Tang snorted and laughed, with a look of disdain.

"I...I don't want a go..."

"Su Ruo, let me tell you, I am also in my thirties, and I don't want to make more troubles in marriage. It is easy for you to get a divorce. Give me a son. Even if you want to divorce by then, it will not endanger the Xiao family. For the benefit of the Su family, I will immediately agree to your divorce request, or else..."

(End of this chapter)

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