Remarry my wife

Chapter 87 Humiliation Punishment

Chapter 87 Humiliation Punishment (1)

Su Ruo backed away in pain, the bruises on the corners of her lips were painful when she touched them lightly, and she didn't even feel comfortable eating.

"I have seen so many women, you are the one who is most likely to be bullied, Su Ruo, you said that you will be sold out without anyone to protect you when you go out in the future?" Xiao Tang is handsome With a smile, he joked.

This woman is too kind and too weak, as long as he uses a little trick, there is nowhere to escape. He likes this kind of desire for control very much. How does this arrogant man know that the softer the appearance, the softer the heart is? As for the powerful one, when he finally found out, it was already too late, but this is something for later, so let's put it down for now.

"Can you take your hand away, it hurts a lot." Su Ruo couldn't help saying out loud because she was very uncomfortable with Xiao Tang's movements.

Xiao Tang snorted and let go of his hands, turned his hands behind his back, and said to Su Ruo: "Now go and make me a pot of tea, I want to drink tea."

Su Ruo frowned, this is what a servant does, why call her?

"Did you hear that? Don't make me say it a second time." Seeing Su Ruo standing still, Xiao Tang frowned, with reproach in his tone.

Su Ruo gritted her teeth and had no choice but to turn around and walk to the kitchen.

At this moment, the kitchen is already preparing lunch. Seeing Su Ruo coming in, the head chef hurried over.

"Help me get some tea." Su Ruo said.

Although the head chef was surprised, he hurried to get the tea leaves, and then the teapot, and helped Su Ruo make tea.

Seeing that something was done, Su Ruo said thank you, and then went out with tea.

Xiao Tang was already sitting on the sofa, watched Su Ruo come over, and said coldly, "Pour me a cup of tea."

Su Ruo had no choice but to do as she did, and poured a cup of tea for Xiao Tang. She was very disturbed, and always felt that something bad happened.

Xiao Tang took the teacup, just looked at it, then looked at Su Ruo, and said with a cold face: "I remember when I was young, whenever I did something wrong, my father would make me kneel with the teacup in my hand, Kneeling for hours, I dare not make mistakes after being punished a few times. Su Ruo, do you know how many mistakes you have made by running away repeatedly?

(End of this chapter)

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