Remarry my wife

Chapter 89 Humiliation Punishment

Chapter 89 Humiliation Punishment (3)

Her feet bent slowly, she closed her eyes, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, when her knees hit the ground, her heart was ashamed, she didn't kneel down because she was wrong, she just knelt down because she didn't want her friends because of her It's just being implicated!

The hatred in my heart deepened a little bit.
Seeing the woman kneeling on the ground with tears all over her face, Xiao Tang suddenly felt a little rippling in his heart. Looking at the woman's unyielding face, this would only make him more angry.

"Do you feel wronged? You don't know your mistakes yet. I'll tell you now how big a mistake you made. The Su family and the Xiao family are two companies that work together. Because of your escape and your cheating news, people Everyone thought that the relationship between the two of us was coming to an end, that the cooperative relationship between the Su family and the Xiao family was about to break down, and everyone was scrambling to sell stocks at a low price. Just yesterday’s news caused the two companies to lose tens of millions. If I ask you to kneel, I want you to know that I, Xiao Tang, is the master of this family, not you, and you can't help me to mess around!" Xiao Tang said coldly, with no expression on his handsome face.

If Su Ruo didn't respond, she knew that what she said was useless, she had already lost the Xiao family and the Su family in her heart, and whether the two families cared about her life or death, in fact, she still felt very happy in her heart, losing thousands In case she still feels less, it would be better to go bankrupt directly!She has had enough of these two families!

Seeing that Su Ruo had no expression at all, Xiao Tang was a little angry, and took the teacup that Su Ruo handed him just now from the side: "Hold it for me and put it on top of your head, don't let me spill it, or I will let your friend drink it." It's ugly to die."

Su Ruo could only swallow all the grievances in her heart, and took the teacup and placed it on top of her head. This posture was really shameful, but for the sake of her friendship, she could only endure it.

Xiao Tang took a few glances, then sat back on the sofa, and began to read the documents just delivered by the company...

Time passed by every minute and every second, Su Ruo felt that her feet were almost gone, and the cup she held in her hand could already hear a rattling sound, which was the result of her trembling hands, she couldn't stand it anymore, Sweat covered her forehead and face, and she still had injuries on her body, and she felt that she was reaching her limit.

These are tolerable, but the most unbearable thing is that because it is almost time for lunch, some servants came to the living room to pack things, and soon the servants saw her like this, the young mistress of the Xiao family was punished to kneel, really laughing Lost other people's big teeth, pain, humiliation and other emotions rushed through.

(End of this chapter)

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