Chapter 9

Standing on the edge of the corridor, looking at the dance floor downstairs, there were many people watching, Pan Ziyuan cleared a path, and the three squeezed in.

The screams on the dance floor were very loud, Xiao Tang raised his handsome eyebrows, and looked at the stage in the center illuminated by light. Someone was dancing on the stage, and the woman's face could not be seen from the top down. People think this woman is a
"It's exciting!" Pan Ziyuan shouted.

Xiao Tang squinted his eyes, looking at the dancing woman, why did he feel a little familiar?

Just when Xiao Tang felt depressed about his thoughts, the woman in the middle of the stage didn't know if she felt that their eyes were too strong, and suddenly raised her head to look at them.

Just one glance is enough for Xiao Tang to see what the woman looks like. The blood in his whole body rushes to his forehead. He is too familiar with this woman. Isn't it her wife who ran away from home after doing something bad?
Not to mention that he really couldn't recognize her after changing her attire. The most powerful thing about Xiao Tang is that his eyes are very good. Anyone who has seen her can remember them clearly, so no matter how Su Ruo changes, he will still recognized him.

This word quickly flashed across Xiao Tang's mind, he never expected that his so-called wife would come to such a place after running away from home, it's really... so scandalous!
The dance that he thought was unusual just now, in his eyes, he only felt it was a deep irony!

"Bastard!" Xiao Tang growled, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"Ah Tang, what's the matter?" Both Sato Miyahisa and Pan Ziyuan were stunned, startled by Xiao Tang's sudden low growl, seeing him turn around and leave, they hurried to catch up.

"Ah Tang, where are you going?" Pan Ziyuan asked while chasing after him.

"Stage!" Xiao Tang replied suppressing his anger, damn bitch, if she let others know that she is the daughter-in-law of her Xiao family, what face would there be for him and the Xiao family?Want the world to watch his jokes?

"What? You were also attracted by that woman..." Pan Ziyuan wanted to say something, but when he saw Xiao Tang's angry eyes, he stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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