Remarry my wife

Chapter 91 Humiliation Punishment

Chapter 91 Humiliation Punishment (5)

Seeing everyone frowning at him, Haohao pouted and let his mother lead him.

Entering the living room, I saw Xiao Tang.

Xiao Tang didn't go to the company these days, just wearing casual beige v-neck short sleeves and suit pants, but he is still handsome and compelling, as can be seen from Su Jiao's obsession.

Xiao Tang just smiled at them and made a gesture of asking to sit down.

"I want to see the third sister." Haohao couldn't help but said again, he broke away from her mother, walked up to Xiao Tang and said.

Xiao Tang looked down at the cute little boy in front of him, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Your third sister is resting, you have to wait."

"You tell me which room she is in, and I'll go find her." Hao Hao pouted, holding Xiao Tang's clothes with his small hands and shaking them.

"Haohao..." Gu Li wanted to call her son back.

"Housekeeper, take the young master of the Su family to Madam's room." Xiao Tang ordered, bowed his head and said to Su Hao again: "Your third sister is sleeping, you'd better not disturb her."

"I see." Su Hao replied in a low voice, and when he saw the housekeeper coming to take him, he hurried over. Gu Li was worried, and hurriedly followed her son upstairs.

"How did Su Ruo come back?" Qiu Hong really wanted to go up with Gu Li's mother and son to see Su Ruo, but she was afraid that Su Xue's mother and daughter would say something bad, so she had to stay and deal with it.

"I came back by myself." Xiao Tang smiled.

"Xiao Tang, what's going on between Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan?" Su Jiao couldn't hold back her voice, and she didn't call Xiao Tang her brother-in-law, but called him by his first name.

"Jiaojiao, I have to be polite." Su Chen criticized aloud.

"That's right, Jiaojiao, I want to call you brother-in-law." Qiu Hong took it and said with a smile.

"Su Ruo betrayed Xiao Tang, it's better to get divorced, I'm not called brother-in-law!" Su Jiao snorted softly.

"Miss Su Si, it seems that you really want me to divorce Su Ruo?" Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows and said, Su Ruo has such a sister, it is really sad.

"Yes, so what!" Su Jiao said confidently.

"You ignorant girl, Suxue, take your daughter out." Su Chen was furious, and he, who had always loved Su Jiao, couldn't stand Su Jiao's temper.

"I'm not wrong. Su Ruo's behavior has dragged our Su family and Xiao family into trouble. It's better to just let me take Su Ruo's place." Su Jiao said still unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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