Remarry my wife

Chapter 97 Reception Disturbance

Chapter 97 Reception Disturbance (1)

When I went downstairs to eat breakfast, I rarely saw a man who was reading a newspaper while eating.

The man looked up, and the woman sat in the seat farthest from him with a cold face.

"Go to a stylist today and let's give you a new haircut!" Xiao Tang said. Recently, he left Tangguo to make up for the recent loss, and it has been almost half a month since he came back.

Su Ruo frowned, unexpectedly, the first sentence Xiao Tang said to herself was this.

"Just put your bangs down like I did. Su Ruo has a reception tonight, you attend with me, and I'll call the stylist later." Xiao Tang is ready to start his own plan, Su Ruo was hurt not long ago His plan stalled for so long.

"I won't go!" Su Ruo didn't even want to refuse. Going to the reception meant she wanted to pretend to be intimate with Xiao Tang. She was very annoyed by this. People who obviously don't love each other insisted on pretending to be very affectionate. She couldn't do it. .

"Su Ruo, don't you remember the lesson from last time? You said that I don't like women rejecting me. I'll come back to pick you up at 8 o'clock in the evening!" After Xiao Tang finished speaking, he put down the newspaper, got up and left.

Seeing the back of Xiao Tang disappearing at the door, Su Ruo couldn't help but smile wryly, yes, she really has no right to refuse now, and he has more ways to threaten herself.

After lunch, the three stylists were brought into Su Ruo's room by the housekeeper.

Su Ruo didn't say anything, and sat there at the mercy of the three stylists.

The three stylists, it seems that Xiao Tang pays much attention to the evening banquet. Speaking of which, this is the first time that Su Ruo and Xiao Tang attended such a reception. Twice, I haven’t been there and feel that maybe it should be full of fun. Only after I went there did I realize that there is no meaning at all. The place where rich people know each other is very boring.

Su Ruo was very numb, she did whatever the makeup artist said, and she nodded when asked how she was doing, this kind of slow work and meticulous work made her almost fall asleep.

After sitting for more than two hours, the make-up artist finally agreed. Su Ruo opened her eyes and almost didn't recognize herself. She blinked and looked at herself in the mirror. Changing her hairstyle can make such a big difference. She originally Her hair is all straight to the back, now with bangs, a bun is loosely but delicately tied at the back of her head, and several strands of slightly curly hair hang down by her ears, a very elegant yet pretty hairstyle.

(End of this chapter)

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