The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 1010 Fighting to the Last Moment to Defend Qinyang City

Chapter 1010 Fighting to the last moment to defend Qinyang City

Bai Yingying asked: "What about my husband? Why does he want you to pretend to be him?"

Xijue: "Your Highness has other important matters to go to Jinling. My lord, Qinyang City is very dangerous now. You should leave first. After a while, I will ask Jin Qing to lead an elite escort to leave Qinyang City."

Bai Yingying didn't say to leave, she didn't say she couldn't leave, she just asked: "Now, how many people are there in Qinyang City?"

Xi Jue: "When the subordinates came down, they brought sixteen elites with them. Apart from these sixteen elites, there were only old, weak, sick and disabled left in Qinyang City, a total of one thousand."

Bai Yingying asked: "The people in Qinyang City are still there, how many are there?"

Xijue: "Most of the common people didn't leave. As for the number of people, the subordinates don't know."

Bai Yingying pondered for a moment, and then gave instructions decisively: "From the thousand old and weak soldiers, select [-] slightly stronger men, and let them send the old people, women and children in the city to the south and east gates. , escort them out of the city, and let them take shelter in Runan City and Baicheng."

"Yes." Xi Jue looked at Bai Yingying: "This subordinate will go down immediately to pick someone up, please get ready and go out of the city with them."

Bai Yingying shook her head: "You don't have to worry about me, you just need to make sure they are safe, I will stay and work with everyone to find a way to defend Qinyang City."

"But..." Xijue was a little worried: "There are so many Northern Qi troops out there, if they attack the city aggressively, with the current strength of Qinyang City, they might not be able to hold it for even a day."

Bai Yingying's gaze was firm: "Don't worry, I have my own way."

Xijue had no choice but to take orders and go.

After Xi Jue left, Wang Song staggered to Bai Yingying's side, bit her trouser leg: "Ancestor, what can you do?"

Bai Yingying was unpredictable: "Song Song, have you watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

"I've read it. How can I not have read such a famous book?"

Bai Yingying smiled slightly: "Then do you remember that when Zhuge Liang was dealing with Sima Yi's army, he used a dangerous strategy called 'Empty City Strategy'?"

"How can I not remember such a famous empty city strategy? It's just..." Wang Song's voice was full of worry: "You also said that it was a dangerous move, and at that time, Zhuge Liang's opponent was Sima Yi. Now, who is our opponent? I don't even know, he might not be fooled by us like Sima Yi did."

"Yeah." Bai Yingying nodded slightly: "So, we have to be more fully prepared. Come, follow me to see Jin Qing."

Bai Yingying and Wang Song came to the west tower.

When Jin Qing saw him, he hurried over: "My lord, they called out just now and gave us a day to think about it. If we don't open the city gate and surrender early tomorrow morning, we will attack the city."

Bai Yingying: "You call the remaining fifteen brothers over, I have something to tell you to do."


Soon, Jin Qing called the fifteen elites who came with the Western Conference to Bai Yingying.

Jin Qing looked at Bai Yingying with a worried expression on her face: "Princess Wangfei, you should leave Qinyang City first, they will attack the city early tomorrow morning."

"What about you?" Bai Yingying asked back.

Jin Qing showed a very determined expression on his face: "We are His Highness's personal guards, even if we die, we must complete the tasks His Highness entrusted to us, so we will stay in Qinyang City and fight to the end to defend Qinyang City a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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