The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 1015 Even if the emperor asks, will he admit it?

Chapter 1015 Even if the emperor asks, will he admit it?

In the Imperial Palace of Southern Chu, Chu Yi told Emperor Chu what he had seen and heard in Jianyang City.

When Emperor Chu heard this, he was furious: "You said the crown prince colluded with King Qin?"

"Yes." Chu Yi said solemnly, "Royal father, this time I went to Nanzhao, my son had a chance to assassinate the king of Qin, but the emperor obstructed my son everywhere, and my son had no choice but to watch the king of Qin kill the king of Qin." Wan Qinyang's army mixed with the 3 father's soldiers and horses, and Qin Yang's army controlled the father's [-] horses.

When he returned to Jianyang City, the minister saw that the King of Qin was giving porridge to the refugees in the name of the prince. The prince obviously wanted to buy people's hearts by doing this. "

Emperor Chu nodded slightly: "I understand. First of all, you have worked hard these days on the expedition. Go down and rest first. I will make my own decision on this matter."

"Yes, royal father, my son and minister will retire."

After Chu Yi left, Emperor Chu pondered for a moment, and called Taiwei Feng Shen and Shang Shuling Hou Zewen into the palace.

After the two arrived, Emperor Chu asked straight to the point: "I just received the news that Prince Chu Li colluded with King Qin Chu Tianci to murder me. Do the two lovers think this is credible?"

Feng Shen immediately replied: "Your Majesty, for such a thing, it is better to believe it than to believe it. Since someone reported the crown prince, he must have committed treason. Such a rebellious son, the emperor must not tolerate him."

Emperor Chu looked at Hou Zewen: "Hou Aiqing, what do you think?"

Hou Zewen pondered and said: "Your Majesty, you must tell evidence in everything. The Crown Prince is the crown prince and the cornerstone of the country. You should not abolish the Crown Prince just because of a few rumors. I think that the Crown Prince should be called back, and the Emperor should ask him personally."

Feng Shen sneered: "Hou Shangshu, if the prince wants to rebel, even if the emperor asks, will he admit it? By the time he really starts to act, it may be too late."

Hou Zewen thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, why don't you issue an imperial decree to let His Royal Highness enter the palace lightly immediately, if he dares to enter the palace without any attendants to meet the emperor, then he should have a clear conscience, if he refuses, then With evil intentions, it will not be too late for the emperor to send someone to arrest him."

Feng Shen: "I'm afraid that he has colluded with King Qin and is going to rebel."

Hou Zewen argued with reason: "The power of the King of Qin in Jinling City has been brought out during this campaign against Nanzhao, and Jinling City is still under the emperor's control, so the emperor does not need to worry."

Emperor Chu thought for a while, and felt that what Hou Zewen said was reasonable, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will do as Hou Aiqing said, but the person who announced the decree..."

Feng Shen immediately suggested: "Your Majesty, since Hou Shangshu proposed this proposal, it would be most appropriate for him to announce the decree."

Emperor Chu nodded and agreed: "Okay, Hou Aiqing, make preparations immediately, and I will send someone to escort you to Jianyang City and declare the decree to the prince."

"The minister obeys the order."

That night, under the escort and supervision of Emperor Chu's confidants, Hou Zewen rushed to the Penglai Inn where the prince lived overnight with the imperial decree.

The prince was sleeping at the moment, when he suddenly heard a loud and urgent knock on the door, he got up from the bed in shock.

Chu Li casually put on a piece of clothing, walked to the door, and opened the door impatiently. When he saw Hou Zewen, Chu Li was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Uncle, why are you here?"

Hou Zewen's wife is the younger sister of Emperor Chu, so in terms of seniority, he is also Chu Li's uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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