The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 102 Absolutely Heartless!

Chapter 102 Absolutely Heartless!

Bai Yingying was a little dissatisfied. She stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, Mr. Yue just saved my life. He is my savior. Please don't make things difficult for him."

She has no reason to blame Chu Tianci, but she feels that at least Chu Tianci should understand that Yue Tingfeng is a good person, he saved her and is her savior.

She actually called herself His Highness? !Still treating a prodigal son as a lifesaver?Simply heartless!

Anger rose in Chu Tianci's heart, staring at Bai Yingying, his voice was unusually cold: "Bai Yingying, have you forgotten your identity?"

"Ah?" Bai Yingying was taken aback for a moment, and then replied obediently: "Yingying dare not."

Chu Tianci snorted coldly: "Then tell me, what is your status now?"

Bai Yingying was slightly taken aback, did King Qin take the wrong medicine today?Do you suspect that you are a spy sent by someone?
Thinking of this, Bai Yingying quickly said obediently and obediently: "Husband, Yingying's identity is Princess Qin, and Yingying will never forget this identity in her life."

Hearing the word "husband", Chu Tianci finally calmed down a bit.

He coldly glanced at Yue Tingfeng who was not far away, and then lightly tapped the armrest with his fingers.

Liu Guang immediately pushed the wheelchair forward.

However, Yue Tingfeng, who was on the opposite side, was struck by lightning after hearing the words "husband" and "Princess Qin".

His whole body stood on the ground like a pillar, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move at all.

She turned out to be Princess Qin? !

In Yue Tingfeng's mind, this sentence kept copying and pasting, and it filled his whole mind in an instant.

Chu Tianci's wheelchair stopped in front of Yue Tingfeng, and Liu Guang said expressionlessly, "Presumptuous! When you see King Qin, why don't you kneel down and salute!"

According to the order of the first emperor, all officials below the second rank in the court must kneel down when they see the King of Qin.

Although Yue Tingfeng was valued by the emperor, he was indifferent to fame and fortune. He has not yet served in the court, but only holds a doctorate in the Imperial College.

According to the rank, it is only a fifth rank, so when seeing King Qin, of course, he should kneel down and salute.

These words instantly brought Yue Tingfeng back to reality, he shook his head, smiled wryly, and finally knelt down to Chu Tianci to salute: "Yue Tingfeng has seen His Royal Highness King Qin."

Chu Tianci didn't even give him a look, and lightly buckled the armrest, and the wheelchair moved forward slowly.

Bai Yingying looked at Yue Tingfeng who was kneeling on the ground, and somehow felt that Chu Tianci was a bit too much.

It was so dark, he left as soon as he left, why did Liu Guang remind Yue Tingfeng to kneel down and salute?

Bai Yingying hurriedly chased after her, and when she passed by the moon to listen to the wind, she said in a low voice: "Young Master Yue, please get up quickly."

Yue Tingfeng lowered his head, not daring to look at her: "Yue Tingfeng has seen the princess."

Bai Yingying hurriedly waved her hands: "Young Master Yue, you don't need to be polite, get up quickly."

In front of him, Chu Tianci's face was so dark that it merged with the surrounding darkness.

Yue Tingfeng stood up and thanked him.

Seeing that he had already got up, Bai Yingying didn't dare to stay any longer, she waved to Wang Song, then turned around, chased after Chutian and left.

Yu Juechen and Lou Cangyue also hurriedly followed.

When Lou Cangyue passed by the moon and listened to the wind, she smiled softly: "Young Master Yue, your qin sound is really sweet. It will last three days. When will you perform next time, can you tell me in advance?"

Yue Tingfeng was in a bad mood at the moment and didn't want to care about others, but suddenly he changed his mind, he smiled slightly and asked, "Who is the girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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