The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 1023 Playing music at this time, is it ready to welcome us into the city?

Chapter 1023 Playing music at this time, is it ready to welcome us into the city?
At that time, when they saw the gate open, they thought it was Chu Yi who had won the battle and invited them to enter the palace. Who knew that when they entered the palace, they were killed by Chu Tianci's army in one fell swoop.

As a result, Chu Yi's power completely disintegrated, and the entire Jinling City was completely controlled by Chu Tianci.

There were many casualties in this palace coup, and many court officials also died in this coup.

After the dust settles, the necessary official positions need to be filled.

Chu Tianci prepared a list of officials in advance, and immediately appointed new officials after the incident.

In just one day, the power and loyalty of the entire Southern Chu basically underwent a major change, and the rest were Chu Tianci's confidantes. Although he was the regent and did not claim the title of emperor, the entire Southern Chu was already under the control of Chu Tianci. in his hands.

After Chu Tian resigned into the palace, people searched for Bai Yingying's whereabouts in the palace.

However, after all his work was done, there was still no sign of Bai Yingying.

Chu Tianci asked the people in the inner treasury to inquire, only to find out that Bai Yingying was ordered by Emperor Chu to go out to handle errands.

With a sigh of relief, he quickly called Yu Juechen over and asked him to find out Bai Yingying's whereabouts.

When the brilliance of the rising sun illuminated the entire Southern Chu Imperial Palace, the core power of Southern Chu was completely in the hands of Chu Tianci.

Chu Tianci's only regret is that Yingying is not by his side at this time, but it doesn't matter, soon, Yingying will come back and stand side by side with him.

Controlling Southern Chu is not the ultimate goal. Now that the Northern Qi army is suppressing the border, Chu Tianci has just solved the internal power problem, and will immediately start arranging military arrangements to resist the Northern Qi without stopping.

Chu Tianci never expected that at this very moment, his most beloved person was facing a Northern Qi force dozens of times her size in Qinyang City thousands of miles away.

In the early morning, Bai Yingying got up early. She took a bath and changed her clothes. She changed into a snow-white dress, and then ordered someone to light the aromatherapy on the tower.

Afterwards, she stepped up the tower and stood on the thick city wall. With her right hand back, she grabbed a green bamboo flute. With a slight movement of her fingers, the bamboo flute spun a few times in her palm, and finally landed in her palm.

When she played the flute, the low, gloomy sound flowed from her fingertips.

The Northern Qi army below the tower was planning to attack the city when they suddenly saw a girl in white walking out of the tower.

Although the girl's face was not clearly seen from the distance, she was slender and graceful. The reddish sunlight in the morning just came from the east, and the golden-red sunlight shone on the girl's body, forming a hazy streak on her body. The dazzling golden edges make her look more sacred and beautiful.

Almost all the Northern Qi people were attracted by her.

The chief general, Ran Qiuhai, rode on a tall black horse, looked up at the girl on the tower, and a trace of inquiry flashed in his eyes.

Soon, the sound of the flute came out, and the beautiful and moving music penetrated into everyone's ears, and people couldn't help but be intoxicated by it.

The lieutenant beside Ran Qiuhai couldn't help laughing and said: "General Ran, the beauty on the tower is playing music at this time, is she ready to welcome us into the city?"

Ran Qiuhai looked at Bai Yingying on the tower, and shook his head: "I don't think so, this woman looks weird..."

Before he finished speaking, the style of Bai Yingying's song on the city tower changed, and the originally gentle song seemed to be injected with thousands of forces...

(End of this chapter)

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