The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 1026 Could it be that General Ran fell in love with that woman?

Chapter 1026 Could it be that General Ran fell in love with that woman?
"Use a magic flute?" Chu Tianci immediately grasped the point: "Aren't there [-] elites in Qinyang City? What are they doing?"

Yu Juechen took out a letter from his sleeve and presented it to Chu Tianci.

Chu Tianci glanced at him, then reached out to take the letter.

This is exactly what Xijue wrote to him. It tells that he was exchanged for military tokens, resulting in [-] elites being brought into the Darcy Desert in advance, and there has been no news so far.

After reading it, Chu Tianci felt bad. He rubbed the letter paper hard to crush it.

Without saying a word, he turned around, took off the long sword, and rushed out.

Yu Juechen hurried to catch up: "Your Highness, are you going to Qinyang City?"

"Yeah." Chu Tianci: "Yingying is alone over there, the king is worried. Yu Juechen, you stay in Jinling and take charge of the overall situation."

The words were still in his ears, but the figure of Chu Tianci had disappeared.

Chu Tianci didn't even have time to put on his armor, so he raised his sword and rode his horse, galloping towards the south gate of Jinling.


The Northern Qi army retreated all the way north, and finally stopped when they retreated to Yang Pass, the junction of Qinyang City and Huaixi.

Two Northern Qi soldiers caught a female spy and brought her to Ran Qiuhai.

"General Ran, a female spy was caught, and she insisted on seeing you."

Ran Qiuhai looked at the female spy, and saw that she had long eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and she looked dignified and elegant. However, it is a pity that such a dignified and beautiful woman is limping, and she walks with a limp. .

What surprised him the most was that when the woman saw him, instead of being afraid, she had a faint smile on her face.

This smile seemed to carry a hint of sarcasm, which made Ran Qiuhai very uncomfortable.

"why are you laughing?"

Ran Qiuhai asked.

Shen Miao still smiled slightly, "I laugh at the Northern Qi General Hero I who was deceived by a woman."

"What?" Ran Qiuhai frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Shen Miao restrained her smile slightly, "As far as I know, in Qinyang City today, there are no more than fifty people who are truly elite and capable of fighting, and the others are all old, weak, sick and disabled with extremely weak combat capabilities. Qin Yangcheng retreated in fright, don't you think this is not funny enough?"

"How do you know?" Ran Qiuhai asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am." Shen Miao spoke slowly, "You just need to know that the woman in Qinyang City who lied to you is my lifelong enemy. I am here now to help the General."

Ran Qiuhai raised his thick eyebrows: "If it's true as you said, there are so few people in Qinyang City, why does this general need your help?"

"Is the general thinking of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? Isn't the news I gave the general enough weight?"

Ran Qiuhai laughed: "If it's true as you said, on the day when this general takes Qinyang City, I can give the girl a thousand pieces of gold."

Shen Miao shook her head slightly, "Thousands of money are not important to me, I only want that woman from Qin Yang City."

"That woman, I'm afraid not." Ran Qiuhai flatly refused.

Shen Miao slightly raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "No? Could it be that General Ran has taken a fancy to that woman?"

"No." Ran Qiuhai waved his hand: "That woman is our Majesty's favorite. To win Qinyang City, this general must send that woman back to Northern Qi."

"Emperor of Northern Qi is interested?" Shen Miao felt jealousy in her heart, "But you have to know that without my help, you would not be able to take down Qinyang City."

(End of this chapter)

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