The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 1037 Such a cowardly and incompetent person, what else do you persuade him to do?

Chapter 1037 Such a cowardly and incompetent person, what else do you persuade him to do?
For a while, the three of them were silent, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

In the end, Chu Tianci took the lead to break the silence: "Yue Tingfeng, this king can spare your life, which can be regarded as offsetting the time you saved Yingying before. From then on, you and Yingying will not owe each other. In the future, you will go far away Yes, don't appear in front of me and Yingying again, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Maybe it was out of pity for the same fate, or maybe it was to repay his kindness for saving Bai Yingying, Chu Tianci decided to let the moon go and listen to the wind.

Yue Tingfeng looked at him in surprise, unable to speak for a moment.

For him, death is not a relief.

What's the point of living if he can't save his people from the fire and water, and can't be with the woman he likes?
Bai Yingying was not surprised by Chu Tianci's decision. She knew Chu Tianci's past, and when he made such a decision, Bai Yingying could understand the deep meaning of it just by thinking about it for a while.

At this time, Yue Tingfeng said suddenly: "Actually, it's better for you to kill me. To me, being alive is a kind of torture."

Chu Tianci said coldly: "It's my king's decision to let you go. As for whether you want to die, you can decide for yourself after you get out of this prison."

Bai Yingying looked at Yue Tingfeng: "Brother Yue, although death is easier than life, there is hope only in life."

Yue Tingfeng was very decadent: "Now there is no hope for my future, living is just a kind of torture."

He suddenly looked at Chu Tianci: "Chu Tianci, even if you let me go, I won't leave, I will always stay by your side, look at Yingying, and tell you not to bully her in the future, so you either kill her." I, or accept the result that I have been by your side."

"Looking for death!" Chu Tianci was furious, raised his right hand slightly, and his internal energy condensed into a blue ball of light, which was about to hit Yue Tingfeng in the next second.

But Yue Tingfeng closed his eyes slightly, looking like he was begging for death, and even showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if it was his long-cherished wish to die in the hands of Chu Tianci.

Chu Tianci gritted his teeth in hatred, how could he not know what was going on in his mind?Didn't he just want him to kill Yingying in front of her?In this way, no matter what kind of psychology she has, it is impossible for Yingying to forget him in her whole life.

At this time, Bai Yingying took Chu Tianci's arm: "Husband, don't be angry, let me persuade him."

Chu Tianci didn't want to kill him in the first place, but there was only one step short. Now that Bai Yingying held him back, he naturally walked down the step.

"Such a cowardly and incompetent person, what else do you persuade him to do?"

Although Bai Yingying's behavior has been acquiesced in his heart, he still wants to belittle him verbally.

Bai Yingying: "He just couldn't figure it out for a while. After I tell him, he will live strong and will not stay by our side."

Hearing what she said, Chu Tianci nodded in agreement.

Bai Yingying took a step forward, her voice was gentle but firm: "Brother Yue, didn't you say that the people of the Great Moon Kingdom are waiting for you? If so, how can you die?"

Yue Tingfeng shook his head: "What can I do alone? Originally, I wanted to take the Qin Yang army to rescue the Great Moon Kingdom this time, but..."

Bai Yingying's face darkened, and she said with a serious face: "Brother Yue, until now, don't you understand? The only people who can save your Great Moon Kingdom are the people of your own Great Moon Kingdom? The Yang Army brought them to the Great Moon Country and drove away the people of Luo Su for the Great Moon Country, but they are the Qin Yang Army after all, and they obey my husband's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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