The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 1041 Don't you care about major events in the court?

Chapter 1041 Don't you care about major events in the court?
Zhu Chuan is the head of the Northern Qi Changxin Department, who is in charge of espionage information.

"That's right, Princess Qin is in Qinyang City, so Chu Tianci is naturally going to fly to Qinyang City." Bei Chenyue's eyes lit up, but they darkened in an instant.

Thinking of this, Bei Chenyue felt extremely regretful.

If he had known that Bai Yingying was in Qinyang City, he should have led troops to attack Qinyang City himself instead of letting Ran Qiuhai lead troops to attack.

He believed that if he came forward, he would be able to persuade Bai Yingying to go back with him, but it was a pity that Ran Qiuhai was a general.

Zhu Chuan: "Besides, I heard that even though Chu Li became the emperor of Southern Chu, he basically didn't appear in court meetings. Some people even rumored that he had been placed under house arrest by Chu Tianci. But starting from the Emperor of Southern Chu, before Chu Tianci came back, he helped Chu Li seize control of Jinling City.

In this way, not only can he control the power center of Southern Chu, but he can also take the opportunity to kill Chu Tianci when he returns to Jinling.

As long as we get rid of Chu Tianci, Southern Chu is still under our control. "

Bei Chen took it for granted: "It's very good, but this time, we must be very careful."

Zhu Chuan nodded: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, although Northern Qi and Southern Chu launched a war, the business exchanges on the border between the two countries have not stopped. Our people can pretend to be caravans and sneak into Jinling, and then find a way to get close to Chuli. "

Bei Chenyue nodded: "Okay, Zhu Chuan, I will leave this matter to you. Prime Minister Qin and General Yi, you all need to cooperate more."



In the Southern Chu Palace, Chu Li has been living in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Originally, the emperor was supposed to live in Qiluan Hall, but that was the place where the first emperor Chu Tianxing died, so Chu Li naturally couldn't live there.

Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony is the Imperial Habayashi Army, responsible for protecting Chu Li's safety and watching his every move.

Chu Li is not a diligent emperor, he likes to play, and spends all day in his Hall of Supreme Harmony, either eating, drinking and having fun, or playing with beauties.

But occasionally, he will go to court.

When the eunuch finished shouting, "Let's play if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do", all the ministers looked at him without saying a word.

Chu Li took the initiative to ask. Everyone said that the country of Southern Chu was peaceful and peaceful, and nothing major happened.

After this kind of thing happened several times, Chu Li also realized that something was wrong, but he was alone, and he didn't even have anyone to discuss with, so he could only give up in the end, thinking that he would be able to eat and drink without doing anything like this Well, that's a nice thing too.

One day, he was drinking and having fun with his favorite concubine in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, when suddenly a person came in from outside, Chu Li immediately waved to him when he saw the person coming.

"Lin Xiu, come quickly and have a drink with me."

Lin Xiu frowned, glanced at the dancing girls in the hall, and then waved them out.

Chu Li was not annoyed, and still waved at Lin Xiu: "You think they are noisy, don't you? It's a bit noisy, but they are very obedient, which is very refreshing."

Lin Xiu came over: "Your Majesty, as the emperor of Southern Chu, how can you drink and have fun here every day? Don't you care about the important affairs of the court?"

Chu Li casually waved his hand: "There is nothing important in court? Before I went to court, I also asked them if there was any important matter for me to make up my mind, but they all said it was fine. Why bother yourself every day?"

(End of this chapter)

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