Chapter 1076
When the guard saw this scene in the city, he was terrified. He hurried down the tower, sneaked into a house, stole a suit of ordinary clothes, and prepared to flee.

However, on the way, by coincidence, I happened to run into Chu Tianci.

The guard was taken aback, and quickly turned around to run away.

Chu Tianci took out his pistol and shot him in the calf.

Hearing a loud "bang", the guard fell to his knees, hugging his legs and screaming.

Chu Tianci urged the horse to go over, and directly stepped on the guard's head. The horse's iron hooves crushed the guard's head like stepping on tofu.

But in one day, all the [-] soldiers and horses stationed in Nanyang City were killed, and the corpses in the entire Nanyang City were piled up like a mountain.

Chu Tianci asked people to drive out the common people who were hiding at home.

He stood on the top and lectured: "My queen, Bai Yingying, came to Nanyang City regardless of her own safety when you were in the worst plague and needed help the most, and healed your illnesses. It can be said that she is your savior, but , when your emperor took Yingying by force and took her to Chang'an, you people who owed her life just watched and didn't stop her.

I was outside Nanyang city yesterday and asked you to send my queen out, but you remained indifferent and still closed the city.

I said, if you resist, when I take Nanyang City, I will slaughter the city. "

Those ordinary people were frightened immediately, and knelt down one after another, begging Chu Tianci to spare his life.

Originally, some people were dissatisfied with Chu Tianci, but they thought that their lives were indeed saved by Bai Yingying, and they actually saw Bai Yingying being taken back to Chang'an by Qin Yang.

But they didn't stop them. Some people felt that their abilities were limited and they couldn't stop them.

Some people think that this woman is very good, if they can be their queen, then they will have a good life.

Everyone has their own thoughts, but no one stands up for Bai Yingying and stops it all.

Originally they didn't feel anything, but now that Chu Tianci sternly accused them, they also felt ashamed.

Chu Tianci said again: "I originally planned to slaughter Nanyang City, but I thought that my queen saved your lives, so I don't want to let her hard work go to waste, so I decided to spare you .

However, if you are not willing to submit and still oppose me, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless. "

When the common people heard that their lives were saved, they wept with joy, and felt even more grateful and loved Bai Yingying.

Afterwards, Chu Tianci left behind a team to organize the people, dispose of the corpses, repair the city wall, and manage Nanyang City.

As for Chu Tianci himself, he marched towards Chang'an City with elite and sophisticated weapons.


"Your Majesty, it's not good, Nanyang City is broken."

When the news came, Bei Chenyue was still discussing countermeasures with the minister.

"What? Broken?" Bei Chenyue couldn't believe it at all, Chu Tianci's actions would be so fast: "How is it possible? Didn't you say that soldiers were coming to Nanyang City yesterday? What are the guards of Nanyang City doing?"

Messenger: "Returning to Your Majesty, Nanchu used a new type of weapon, and their siege weapon was so powerful that it blasted open the gate of the city with just one blow, and many holes were blasted out of the city tower.

The defenders of Nanyang City tried their best, and now, they have all died in battle. "

(End of this chapter)

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