The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 113 She is more of a threat to me!

Chapter 113 She is more of a threat to me!

Chu Tianci looked at her with deep eyes, and for a while, both of them were silent.

After a while, Bai Yingying finally couldn't bear it any longer. She thumped the bed angrily, and then asked, "Is Shen Miaowei important to you? Even if she hurt me, you can't avenge me, right? ?”

In the book, Shen Miaowei was such a perverted and powerful existence, as long as she was around, Bai Yingying felt her life was threatened all the time.

If Chu Tianci also protects her, then one can imagine how difficult her future will be.

Looking at her angry appearance, Chu Tianci felt a different emotion in his heart. He looked into her eyes and asked, "Chu Li and Shen Miaowei both harmed you, and Chu Li even made people throw you down from the fifth floor. , why do you only ask this king to deal with Shen Miaowei to avenge you and not care about Chu Li?"

Without even thinking about it, Bai Yingying blurted out, "Because Shen Miaowei hates me more, she is a bigger threat to me!"

"Oh?" Chu Tianci raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked with great interest, "Why?"

"Because Chu Li's goal is only the ledger, while Shen Miaowei's goal is you!"

Chu Tianci looked at her beautiful eyes like autumn water, his heart beat slightly faster, he stretched out his hand, gently stroked her cheek with his palm, and asked with a half-smile, "So, are you worried that she will snatch me away?" , that's why you hate her?"

Bai Yingying felt the warm palm caressing her cheek. His palm was not smooth and flawless like his face, but slightly rough. Under the gentle caress, there were waves of numbness and trembling. Apex.

She rubbed against his palm twice, raised her eyes, and looked at him: "Of course, Your Highness is Yingying's husband, and Yingying will never give in to anyone who comes to grab her."

Chu Tianci looked down at her, she was cute and soft, she looked harmless at all, but what she said was full of domineering.

Chu Tianci stared at her for two seconds, then suddenly twisted his fingertips, and pinched her face lightly: "The little girl is quite jealous, but do you know that in this prince's palace, apart from the princess Besides, there are dozens of other positions, at least, you are so jealous, this king should think about whether you are suitable to be this princess."

Bai Yingying: "..."

The dog prince is still planning to take a concubine? !
Bai Yingying's heart is messed up!

After traveling through the heroine in the drama, after time travel, don't all the male protagonists you meet just want to be a couple for a lifetime?

Why is she so unlucky?It's nothing more than a suspicious and violent dog prince, but now he still wants to take a concubine, and there are dozens of concubines...

Dog system, are you playing with me?
Bai Yingying's face darkened slightly, and she stretched out her hand to knock off the big hand that was caressing her face: "Since His Highness thinks that Yingying is not suitable to be the Princess of Qin, His Highness can give up Yingying.

But don't worry, this genius doctor has a kind heart, even if you divorce me, I will still try my best to heal your leg injury. "

As she spoke, she turned her head away, not wanting to look at his handsome face that turned all sentient beings upside down.

In the book, Chu Tianci is because Shen Miaowei gave him chronic poison in the process of treating his leg, which led to the subsequent fall of the power, and the fate of the whole country was in the hands of Shen Miaowei, that vicious woman. The mountains and rivers are broken, and blood flows into rivers.

In this case, if she healed his leg, he would no longer be threatened by Shen Miaowei, and the fate of the whole country would also develop in a gratifying direction.

(End of this chapter)

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