Chapter 116
"Even a broken pole bullies me! Woooooo..."

Bai Yingying sobbed softly.

She was crying with grievances, which made Chu Tianci's heart soften. He slightly raised his head, kissed her gently on the cheek, and said softly: "That book Wang will have someone change the curtain rod tomorrow."

Feeling that she was kissed by him again, Bai Yingying immediately raised her hand and wiped the cheek kissed by him vigorously.

Chu Tianci's face darkened, and he subconsciously exerted force with his hands.

Bai Yingying screamed "Ah~" and cried: "Your Highness, there is nothing wrong with you liking left and right hugs, and Yingying will not interfere with you, I just ask you to take me home and let me go free.

I said, even if you sleep with me and go home, I will still heal your leg.

Or, if you are worried, you can wait for me to heal your leg, and then sleep with me and go home. "

Chu Tianci frowned, stared at her for a while, and asked, "Who told you that this king likes hugging from left to right?"

Bai Yingying was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It doesn't matter if you don't like it, as long as Your Highness thinks, there are any beauties in this palace, and Yingying will not join in the fun.

Therefore, His Highness, please let Yingying leave, Yingying will still live in Lengqiu Courtyard, come to see His Highness every morning and evening, and at other times Yingying will stay in Lengqiu Courtyard properly, and promise not to come to disturb His Highness..."

Chu Tianci stared at her, a little puzzled, after a while, he let go of her slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Have you changed back to the previous Bai Yingying?"

"Ah?" Bai Yingying didn't react for a moment, she looked at Chu Tianci in a daze.

Chu Tianci thought about it for a while, and then felt that something was wrong. If she changed back, she shouldn't be good at medicine.

Having figured this out, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed her: "What do you want to say?"

Bai Yingying took a deep breath and said, "Your Highness and Yingying are not in the same race, so it's not suitable to be a husband and wife.

His Highness has her own ambitions, and Yingying has her own abilities. If His Highness is willing, Yingying is willing to help His Highness to complete the great cause in His Highness's heart.

If you don't want to, wait for Yingying to heal His Highness's leg, then leave the Prince Qin's mansion. From then on, the rivers and lakes will be far away, and the two will never see each other. "

Bai Yingying felt that with her own ability, she would have no problem helping Chu Tianci.

Hugging the thigh, you don't have to be Chu Tianci's woman, it should be possible to be the person who helps him and achieves him.

The system should find help for King Qin, not just a woman.

"Oh?" Chu Tianci still put his arms around her waist, and asked with great interest: "Then tell me, what skills do you have? Let me see if you are qualified to stay by my side and help me king."

Bai Yingying raised her eyebrows with a proud expression on her face: "I'm so capable, Your Highness will gradually know about it in the future."

Chu Tianci's hands around her waist tightened slightly: "What if this king must marry you?"

Bai Yingying frowned slightly, she bit her lips, and began to criticize her shortcomings: "Your Highness, after getting along with you these few days, you can also see that I am reckless, and I have a bad temper and strong jealousy.

If His Highness insists on being husband and wife with me, then your backyard will definitely not be peaceful.

Those women outside, I will definitely kill one by one, and kill the other by two.

Does Your Highness want a jealous and reckless woman like me to stay in your palace? "

Chu Tianci felt happy when he heard it, and said leisurely: "It's not bad, I have a good show to watch every day, so I won't be lonely."

(End of this chapter)

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