The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 121 Is there anyone who praises you so much?

Chapter 121 Is there anyone who praises you so much?

"Yingying, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Yingying waved her hand: "It's okay, I just sprained my ankle when I was walking last night."

A flash of distress flashed in Chu Tianci's eyes, she sprained her ankle, why didn't she tell him?
Lou Cangyue helped Bai Yingying to the table, and said with a concerned face, "You can't stand because of your leg injury, you should sit down and rest quickly."

"No, no need!" Bai Yingying hurriedly refused, and then gave Chu Tianci a sneaky look.

Yesterday, he taught me a little serious lesson. Although I took the medicine, it still hasn't recovered.

Lou Cangyue looked at her, thinking that she was afraid of Chu Tianci, so she immediately pulled her and pushed her down hard: "You are Princess Qin, can my senior brother not let you sit down? Sit down quickly."

"No need!" Bai Yingying was forced to sit on the seat, and immediately jumped up in pain, exclaiming "ah".

"Cangyue, I really don't want to sit!"

Lou Cangyue looked at her in surprise, frowning and thinking.

Yu Juechen on the side was also confused.

Wang Song on the ground, watching Bai Yingying's reaction, rolled his small eyeballs twice, and understood the mystery.

"Ancestor, last night, you were beaten by King Qin?"

Upon hearing this, Bai Yingying blushed immediately, and then gave Wang Song a hard look.

Wang Song smiled "quack" and teased: "I never thought that King Qin would have such a habit, quack..."

Bai Yingying gritted her teeth angrily, raised her foot and kicked him.

Wang Song hurriedly ran behind Lou Cangyue with a "quack quack".

Chu Tianci glanced at Wang Song, and frowned slightly: "When will the king's Qianqiu Palace even allow ducks to enter? Liu Guang, catch it and kill it, and make roast duck for the princess at noon."

Wang Song was frightened, and immediately hid under Lou Cangyue's chair, and yelled "quack quack" at Bai Yingying.

"Grandfather, speak for me!"

Bai Yingying turned her face away and ignored him.

Liu Guang agreed and was about to catch Wang Song when Lou Cangyue stood up and said with a smile: "Senior Brother, this duck cannot be killed, it is Yingying's pet..."

Chu Tianci glanced at Wang Song in distaste: "So ugly, is he worthy of being a pet?"

Wang Song: "..."

Bai Yingying smiled "puchi", turned her head and said to Chu Tian: "husband, you think he is ugly, it is because you don't understand the aesthetics of ducks, Song Song is actually a handsome guy in the duck world, just like my husband in the crowd Just as glaring."

Yu Juechen tilted his head, looked at Wang Song, then at Chu Tianci, and laughed "haha" in an instant.

Lou Cangyue also covered her mouth and giggled.

Chu Tianci's face turned black in an instant.

He waved to her blankly: "Bai Yingying, come here."


Bai Yingying ran over and smiled at him with bent lips: "Husband, I'm complimenting you."

Chu Tianci: "..."

Is there anyone who praises you so much?

He really suspected that she hurt him on purpose.

The other two couldn't stop laughing, and they stared at him without blinking, wanting to see how he would deal with it.

Even the instigator, Wang Song, poked out a duck's head from under the chair to join in the fun.

Chu Tianci stared at Bai Yingying for a while, then suddenly reached out, picked up a plate of snacks, took the chopsticks he had just used, picked up a piece with his own hands, and brought it to Bai Yingying's mouth.

Chu Tianci ordered coldly: "Open your mouth!"

Bai Yingying took a look: "But I don't like glutinous rice cakes..."

Before she finished speaking, the sticky piece of glutinous rice cake was stuffed into her mouth. She raised her hand to take it out, but Chu Tianci grabbed her hands and pulled her onto his lap to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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