The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 131 It seems that the other party is really doing whatever it takes to achieve his goal!

Chapter 131 It seems that the other party is really doing whatever it takes to achieve his goal!

Bai Yingying didn't expect her cheap mother to be so nagging, in order to prevent her from pestering her any longer, she had no choice but to accept the sachet.

The image under the window flickered for a moment, then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Bai Yingying immediately got up and chased outside.

Liu Shi was stunned for a moment, and then ran out.

When Bai Yingying ran to the corner, there was no one there.

She stomped her feet angrily, looking at the three roads leading to different directions ahead, she thought for a while, and chose the small road leading to the back door of the White Mansion.

Seeing her in a hurry, she must be going to report the news, so she won't go to the gate or her boudoir.

At this moment, Liu Shi ran over out of breath and asked, "Yingying, what's the matter?"

Bai Yingying looked solemn: "I saw Zi He, something is wrong with her.

Mother, I'll go after her by the back door, please go and invite Your Highness. "

Before Liu Shi agreed, Bai Yingying quickly ran to the back door.

She ran to the back door, and sure enough, she saw a purple figure running quickly into a small alley opposite.

Look at the back of that figure, isn't it Zihe?

Bai Yingying ran to the entrance of the alley, stood against the wall, and looked inside.

In the alley, Zihe looked around furtively, but seeing no one around, she hurriedly turned around, and knocked on a wall next to her eagerly, but lightly twice.

The wall that was originally intact suddenly opened a small door to the side, and a black arm pulled Zihe in forcefully.

In an instant, Zi He disappeared into the alley, and the door on the wall was also quickly closed.

Bai Yingying ran quickly to the place where Zihe disappeared just now, and saw that the wall was no different from the one next to it, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have seen any clues at all.

She thought for a while, picked up a stone from the ground, ran to the entrance of the alley to draw an arrow, and then drew a door frame on the wall where Zi He disappeared.

After finishing the painting, Bai Yingying gracefully threw away the stone, rolled up her sleeves and began to climb the wall.

Inside the courtyard wall is an abandoned courtyard, the ground is covered with dust.

This made Zihe's footprints clear at a glance.

Bai Yingying followed the direction of the footprints and chased all the way to the hut in front. She didn't dare to go in rashly, and only put her ear on the door to eavesdrop.

In the hut, Zi He's voice was very urgent: " lady has already accepted the sachet, what about the thing you promised to give me?"

"What I said last time was that I only gave you something when you came back to your lady. Now it's just a sachet. She may throw it away and it won't be used."

The man's voice was rough, with a touch of rage.

Bai Yingying subconsciously held the sachet in her hand and looked down, feeling suspicious.

What is the secret in this sachet?
She pinched it tentatively, and found that it was filled with soft, powdery substances.

She understood it, and it seemed that they were some poisonous substances that harmed people.

Bai Yingying wrapped the sachet three times with a handkerchief, and then put the sachet back into the bag.

There was a "dong" sound from inside the room, and Zi He knelt heavily on the ground, clutching the man's trouser legs, and begged, "Please, give me some happy powder, I...I can't take it anymore!"

Bai Yingying's heart shuddered, happy to be gone?Could it be...

Zi He betrayed herself because of this joyful sanity?
It seems that the other party is really doing whatever it takes to achieve his goal!
In the room, the man kicked Zihe hard: "Get out! When did you enter the Qin Palace, come and make fun of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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