The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 141 Come here!Don't let me say it a third time!

Chapter 141 Come here!Don't let me say it a third time!
Chu Tianci nodded slightly.

Bai Yingying took out the sachet, twisted the string of the sachet with her fingers, and shook it in front of Qi Fang: "What's in this sachet?"

Qi Fang replied, "It's the eggs of the heartworm."

Bai Yingying was startled, she gasped, and quickly threw the sachet far away on the ground.

Chu Tianci looked at Qi Fang, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Qi Fang was startled, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "His Royal Highness, please forgive me, the villain can't help himself, the eggs of the heartworm were given to the villain by Gan Rong.

Moreover, the eggs of the heart-eating worm need to be under the action of the woman's body temperature at night to hatch into adults and penetrate into the woman's body.

It is broad daylight now, and the concubine did not spend the night with it, so His Royal Highness King Qin can rest assured that the concubine is safe now. "

Bai Yingying's heart fell to the ground in an instant, and she walked over, wanting to see what the eggs of the heartworm looked like.

Unexpectedly, just two steps away, I heard Chu Tianci's cold shout from behind: "Stop!"

Bai Yingying was taken aback for a moment, and turned to look at him.

Chu Tianci frowned: "Come to this king's side."

Bai Yingying was a little unwilling: "Husband, I'll just take a look."

Chu Tianci rolled his eyes impatiently: "Come here! Don't let me say it a third time!"

Reluctantly, Bai Yingying returned to his side, stretched her neck, looked at the sachet on the ground, wishing to drill her eyes into the sachet bag to see what was going on.

Only then did Chu Tianci stretch his brows, and looked at Qi Fang: "Open the sachet, and let me see what the eggs of the heartworm look like?"

Qi Fang nodded respectfully: "Yes."

He walked over without hesitation, stretched out his hand to pick up the sachet, halfway saw that his hand was too bloody, quickly took it back, and wiped it on his body.

After the blood on his hand was gone, he stretched out his hand again and picked up the sachet on the ground.

He moved a short stone pier next to it one meter in front of Chu Tianci, and poured out the contents of the sachet.

Qi Fang reached out and stirred the white powder, revealing a small transparent bean the size of a mung bean.

Qi Fang pointed to the little bean and said, "This is the egg of the heartworm. The egg is afraid of the cold, so it needs to be put together with these glutinous rice noodles."

Bai Yingying immediately took out a transparent bottle from her bag, and said as she walked, "Put that little guy in my bottle quickly, I want to see what it looks like when it hatches."

Chu Tianci was furious, raised his hand and pushed forward, a ball of light blue light flew over, smashing the insect eggs on the low stone pier, together with the sachet, to pieces.

Bai Yingying was dumbfounded, she opened her big eyes, stared at the debris on the short stone pier for a while, then turned her head, stomped her foot towards Chu Tianci: "Husband, why did you smash it into pieces?" Well? People still want to take it home and study it!"

Chu Tianci cast her a blank stare, then turned to look at Qi Fang, and asked, "If this king wants you to go back to the Nine Colors Hell and be my undercover agent, would you be willing?"

Qi Fang immediately replied: "It is Qi Fang's honor to be able to serve His Royal Highness King Qin. If the villain can help His Highness King Qin eradicate it, even though the villain will die forever, he will feel that he will have no regrets in this life."

Chu Tianci stopped talking, and tapped his finger on the handrail.

Liu Guang immediately walked towards this side.

Bai Yingying, who was ignored just now, calmed down after being angry for two seconds.

Seeing Chu Tianci's movements, she immediately rushed over, leaned her body and pushed Liu Guang aside: "I'll push..."

Chu Tianci looked at her and rolled his eyes coldly, but he did not refuse after all.

(End of this chapter)

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