The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 151 Are you sure this is a test dish?Instead of grabbing food?

Chapter 151 Are you sure this is a test dish?Instead of grabbing food?
Bai Yingying doesn't care about these things, she won't let go of her chopsticks, with a smile on her face: "Husband, let me try the dishes for you."

Isn't it all on TV?When the emperors and princes were eating, there had to be a eunuch beside them to help them taste the dishes.

She said, without waiting for Chu Tianci's answer, she immediately picked up the nearest plate of fried pork with mycelium.

The legs of her chopsticks were wide open, and the plate immediately bottomed out as soon as the chopsticks were lowered.

Bai Yingying stuffed a large chopsticks of fried meat with mycelium into her mouth, and Bai Yingying closed her eyes in satisfaction.

wow, delicious!It is indeed the food of Lord Dog, it is so delicious!
Chu Tianci looked sideways slightly, and gave her a disgusted look, but he still didn't say anything after all.

Liu Guang, who was standing aside, stared at the empty plate, his eyes widened in shock.

Madam Wangfei, are you sure this is a test dish?Instead of grabbing food?
Liu Guang glanced at Chu Tianci quietly, and saw that although his brows were slightly frowned, he didn't intend to stop him.

He stopped talking, and served the rest of the dishes on the table as usual.

Although there are many types of dishes for dinner, the quantity of each dish is not much.

Bai Yingying tried one dish after another, but basically solved every dish with one chopstick.

When she encountered something that was difficult to pick up with chopsticks, she simply scooped it up with a spoon, and it was done with one spoon.

After finishing the dishes on the plate, she took a small bowl and filled a bowl full of chicken soup from the crock.

After taking a few sips, she smacked her mouth and sighed in her heart: Wow, this soup is so delicious!I really want to drink another bowl!
While scooping up the soup, she said in a serious manner, "Husband, there is something wrong with this soup, I'll try it again."

So, she scooped up two more bowls one after another, and drank until her belly was round, and then she put down the bowls and chopsticks contentedly.

"Have you tried it?"

Chu Tianci's cold voice came from beside him.

Bai Yingying turned her head and smiled sweetly at him: "Husband, try it, these dishes are all right."

Chu Tianci looked at her, and asked with a strange expression: "Isn't it delicious?"

Bai Yingying clasped her hands in front of her body and said with a reserved face, "It's okay."

Oh, okay? ?

Chu Tianci sneered and asked, "What about the king's food?"

"Ah??" Bai Yingying turned her head quietly, looking at the empty plates on the table, she was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, I accidentally tried it all!" This is so embarrassing!
Bai Yingying immediately raised her head and looked at Liu Guang: "Liu Guang, next time, cook a little more for each dish. Look, after trying the dishes, the plates are all empty. How can your Highness and my husband eat?"

Streamer: "..."

Can this be his fault?How did he know that the princess could eat so much?
Liu Guang was stunned for two seconds, and immediately replied: "My subordinate immediately go to the kitchen and order to make another dinner."

He said, turned and walked out the door.

Chu Tianci looked at Bai Yingying, his face was gloomy, and he was about to speak, but Bai Yingying said first: "Husband, Yingying has been married to the palace for so many days, and she has never cooked a meal for her husband.

Today, let Yingying cook a meal for her husband. "

After Bai Yingying finished speaking, before he could answer, she turned around and chased after Liu Guang.

Just now he had been chasing and asking "what's wrong", and now he ate all his food, he must be very angry now, she dared not stay here alone, facing him alone.

Chu Tianci originally suppressed the anger in his heart, but after hearing what she said, the anger in his heart dissipated a lot inexplicably.

On the way, Liu Guang hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help reminding in a low voice: "Princess Wangfei, do you know that His Highness has been waiting for you for a long time in Qianqiu Palace today?"

(End of this chapter)

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