The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 161 A Beautiful Woman Is A Sharp Sword

Chapter 161 A Beautiful Woman Is A Sharp Sword

Chu Li kowtowed: "My son, thank you, Father."

At this moment, Chu Li's uncle Jiang Liang rushed over anxiously.

Seeing that the emperor was there, he hurriedly kowtowed to the emperor.

When Emperor Chu saw Jiang Liang coming, he ordered a few more words, and left a team of guards to let Jiang Liang take charge, and then carried Chu Li back to the palace.

After Emperor Chu left, Jiang Liang asked everyone to retreat.

After that, he walked to the side of the bed, held Chu Li's hand, and asked, "Li'er, tell uncle, who did it?"

Chu Li looked around, and after making sure that there was no one around, he waved to Jiang Liang.

Jiang Liang hurriedly leaned over.

Chu Li whispered a few words in his ear.

Jiang Liang's complexion changed immediately, he frowned, and asked puzzledly: "Since it's King Qin, why didn't Li'er tell the emperor just now? According to this old man, the emperor is worried that he can't find a way to deal with King Qin recently, and now he's attacking you, isn't it?" Did it just hit the emperor's muzzle?"

Chu Li shook his head: "Uncle, I can't, because uncle's account book is in the hands of the emperor."

"What?" Jiang Liang was taken aback: "The account book that was lost last time was indeed stolen by that bitch Bai Yingying? She actually handed over the account book to the King of Qin? No wonder the King of Qin has been so abnormal recently that he even hooked up with her outside Four, you can tolerate it!"

Chu Li shook his head again: "The account book was not stolen by Princess Qin, but that bitch Shen Miaowei.

However, the day before yesterday at Haodu Restaurant, when I went to snatch the account book from Shen Miaowei, Princess Qin took the opportunity to snatch it away and even took a fake account book to fool Li'er. "

With that said, Chu Li handed Jiang Liang the fake ledger that Bai Yingying had given him earlier.

Then briefly describe what happened that day.

Jiang Liang took the ledger and flipped through it page by page. The more he looked, the more shocked he became.

After reading it, he closed the ledger and asked, "Are you sure, Princess Qin didn't steal this ledger?"

Chu Li nodded: "I saw this ledger falling out of Shen Miaowei's body with my own eyes. At that time, Princess Qin was also there. She took advantage of the conflict between Bengong and Shen Miaowei, and walked along the ledger. It only takes half an hour for her to grab the ledger back."

After Jiang Liang heard this, his face suddenly became solemn: "Princess Qin is not easy to mess with, Li'er will not be taken lightly when she confronts her next time."

Chu Li was convinced, and he snorted coldly: "I don't know what method that bitch used to confuse the emperor, and the emperor actually used such cruel methods to avenge her."

Jiang Liang's eyes deepened slightly: "A beautiful woman is a sharp sword. If this woman is smarter, she will be an extremely sharp and peerless weapon."

He said, looking at Chu Li: "Didn't Princess Qin chase you all the time before? Didn't you discover her cleverness at that time?"

Chu Li shook his head: "I didn't realize it. At that time, she was full of stupidity. She knew nothing about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. It's just..."

At this point, there was a look of doubt in his eyes: "Uncle, do you think that woman is fake? The night before yesterday at Haodu Restaurant, she played a song with Yue Tingfeng, oh, no, it was two songs, she The skill of playing the flute is simply superb, and the ensemble with Yue Tingfeng is not inferior in the slightest."

"Oh? Are you sure she didn't know how to play the flute before?"

Chu Li said with certainty: "I can be sure, because I like elegant music, and I have a good impression of women who can play the piano and flute. At that time, in order to please Bengong, she bought a flute and came back to learn how to play it. flute.

Bengong saw with her own eyes that she couldn't even play the flute, how could she play such perfect music? "

(End of this chapter)

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