Chapter 173 Get the King Out!
Chu Tianci's subordinates exerted a little force, and Bai Yingying suddenly cried out in pain, and tears filled her eyelashes in an instant.

Her tears, like transparent crystals, trembled slightly in her eye sockets, then rolled down.


Bai Yingying pouted her mouth and began to cry, crying very sadly and very sadly.

Her tears rolled down one by one like broken pearls.

Chu Tianci's heart softened slightly, and he subconsciously let go of her.

Bai Yingying jumped up from the ground, turned around and ran into the house.

Chu Tianci looked at her back running so fast, and was in a daze for a while.

The pain in his forehead came again and again, Chu Tianci raised his hand, and squeezed his brows hard.

But to no avail, the pain became more and more severe, Chu Tianci closed his eyes, his brows were tightly wrinkled, sweat beads rolled down from his forehead one by one, dyed his temple hair, and dripped into his neck...

"Your Highness, how are you?"

Liu Guang asked with concern.

Chu Tianci raised his right hand and said indifferently, "Go back to Qianqiu Hall."

Liu Guang glanced at the inner room: "Don't you wait for the princess to come out?"

Chu Tianci gritted his teeth: "Don't wait, push me back."

If she really cared about herself, she would naturally think of what she had said to her, and would naturally chase after her.

If not, why should he pray?He even pinned the hope of curing his legs on her.

Chu Tianci returned to Qianqiu Palace.

Liu Guang hurriedly massaged his head, but to no avail.

Chu Tianci clenched his fists by his sides in pain, and his nails were so hard that they almost dug into his flesh.

At this moment, Concubine Duan walked in from the outside.

Behind her were Xue Jingshuang and Shen Miaowei.

Concubine Duan looked at Chu Tianci sweating profusely in pain, and her heart ached.

She quickly waved to Shen Miao, "Miss Shen, hurry up and show Tianci, he must be in severe pain right now."

"Yes, Empress Dowager."

Shen Miao slightly agreed, and immediately stepped forward, reaching out her hand to put on Chu Tianci's forehead.

Startled, Liu Guang stretched out his hand subconsciously, blocking Shen Miaowei's extended hand.

Concubine Duan's complexion changed, she stared at Liu Guang and shouted: "Liu Guang, step back quickly! Miss Shen is a miracle doctor, she can cure Tianci's headache."

Liu Guang was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Chu Tianci.

Chu Tianci did not respond, he hesitated for a moment, and finally withdrew his hand that was blocking Shen Miaowei.

Shen Miaowei was overjoyed and immediately reached out her hand to touch Chu Tianci's forehead.

But in the next second, Chu Tianci raised his hand with a huge force, pushing Shen Miao back several steps.

Shen Miaowei managed to stand firm, and then her face revealed a look of grievance, "His Royal Highness, the little girl is here to treat you at the invitation of the Empress Dowager."

Concubine Duan hurriedly stepped forward and persuaded: "Yes, Tian Ci, Miss Shen is very skilled in medicine. Aijia had been suffering from headaches before, and Miss Shen rejuvenated her hands. She gave Aijia a few injections and took a few medicines. Enough.

The Ai family remembers that you suffer from headaches whenever it rains, so they invited Ms. Shen over to treat your head and leg problems.

You are obedient, let Miss Shen help you take a look. "

Chu Tianci didn't move, nor did he respond.

Concubine Duan hurriedly waved to Shen Miao to wink.

Shen Miao nodded slightly, then walked towards Chu Tianci cautiously.

She quietly reached out and grabbed Chu Tianci's wrist, wanting to feel his pulse.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tianci suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and waved violently: "Get out! Get out of here, my lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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