The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 177 Husband loves me so much!

Chapter 177 Husband loves me so much!
Bai Yingying put the cloak on her body slowly, then squeezed the cloak with both hands and flung it back.

It looked like he was about to kneel down.

The two guards subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But in an instant, Bai Yingying raised her head again and said in a low voice, "One hour is too long, my princess has to go to the bathroom first."

"Princess, please go ahead."

How dare the two of them stop this request, they quickly lowered their heads and sent Bai Yingying off respectfully.

Bai Yingying turned and left the gate, walked around Qianqiu Hall, but couldn't find an open window.

In the end, she had no choice but to choose a window at random, leaning on her body, and walked over quietly.

In the room, Liu Guang pushed Chu Tianci into the bathroom.

He helped Chu Tianci prepare clean clothes, and then exited the bathroom.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a slight knocking sound from the opposite window.

Liu Guang was taken aback for a moment, and he quickly stepped forward, raising his hand to open the window.

As soon as the window was opened, Bai Yingying moved her head closer. When she saw Liu Guang, she immediately smiled: "Liu Guang, where is my husband?"

Liu Guang was stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered his voice: "Your Highness is taking a bath."

"Oh." Bai Yingying nodded, and was about to climb inside while leaning on the window sill.

Liu Guang hurriedly stood in front of her: "Princess Wangfei, Your Highness is getting angry, so please don't make trouble again."

Bai Yingying stared: "Who said I came to make trouble, I came to cure my husband's headache.

He told me before that his head hurts on rainy days.

So, I ran over in a hurry after changing my clothes, without even having time to put on my shoes.

Believe it or not! "

As Bai Yingying said, she put her muddy feet on the window sill for Liu Guang to see.

Liu Guang was taken aback, and quickly turned his eyes away, not daring to look again.

Chu Tianci heard the commotion outside and asked, "Liu Guang, who are you talking to?"


Bai Yingying quickly put her index finger on her lips, and kept giving him winks, telling him not to betray herself.

Looking at such a princess, Liu Guang couldn't refuse, so he had to cooperate with her in lying.

"Ask in the kitchen, what would His Highness want to have for supper tonight? Your subordinates are instructing them."

"No need." Chu Tianci said with a frown.

"Yes." Liu Guang agreed: "This subordinate will tell them."

Chu Tianci took off his coat, suddenly thought of something, and raised his voice again: "Let them make some, and make a bowl of brown sugar ginger soup by the way."


Liu Guang agreed in his mouth, but he was puzzled in his heart. His Highness never ate ginger, so why did he think of drinking ginger soup with brown sugar today? It's really strange.

The anger and irritability in Bai Yingying's heart disappeared instantly.

She is so sweet in her heart!
Husband loves me so much!He was afraid that I would catch a cold, so he asked someone to make brown sugar ginger soup for me to drink.

Bai Yingying winked at Liu Guang triumphantly, and lowered her voice: "Hurry up! If my husband asks later, I will never betray you."

Liu Guang glanced at her, hesitated for a moment, and finally turned and left.

Bai Yingying supported the window sill with both hands, Feili turned over from the window, then turned and closed the window.

She was curious, didn't Chu Tianci have bad legs and feet?How can I take a bath by myself?

With doubts, she walked lightly towards the bathroom.

When Chu Tianci heard the slight sound, his heart trembled, and he subconsciously stopped undressing.

After a while, Bai Yingying walked to the bathroom. With her fingers, she carefully opened the sliding door a small crack, then put her eyes on the door, and looked inside.

(End of this chapter)

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