The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 181 Are You Waiting For This King?

Chapter 181 Are You Waiting For This King?
Bai Yingying immediately put her other hand on her forehead, tilted her head and leaned against the bathroom door: "Husband, Yingying seems to have caught a cold, and now she has a severe headache. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you take a bath today. How about waiting?" next time……"

Chu Tianci was so angry that he ground his teeth, but hearing her say that he had a headache, it was not easy to force her to stay and serve him: "Isn't it a headache and impatience? Why are you still standing there?"

Bai Yingying seemed to have received an amnesty, she quickly covered her nose, turned around and ran forward.

Chu Tianci looked at her back as she gradually ran away, and shook his head helplessly.

He reached out and picked up a special stick on the side table, and used the thin hook at the end of the stick to hook a well-hidden small coil on the trouser leg.

Then the other hand grabbed the pants and was about to pull them down when he suddenly found two drops of bright red blood on his abdomen.

Thinking of Bai Yingying's reaction just now, he immediately understood it.

Chu Tianci turned his head slightly, glanced at the bathroom doorframe she had just passed by, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Slowly, the curvature of his lips widened, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger, until the corners of his brows and eyes were filled with smiles.

His little Jiaojiao is really... more anxious than him!
Outside the bathroom, Bai Yingying ran to the bathroom next door, wiped off the nosebleeds on her face, then faced the mirror, looking at herself in the mirror with disgust.

Bai Yingying, Bai Yingying, why are you so disappointing?

Isn't he just a man?Isn't it just more handsome?Didn't you just take a look at him?

Why can't you control your nosebleeds?

You said that you are so unlucky, what will you do if it is a bridal chamber in the future?
Thinking of this, Bai Yingying was really troubled.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Bai Yingying tidied herself up in the mirror, then came out and ran to the door to open it.

Outside the door, Liu Guang brought people over to deliver supper.

When Bai Yingying saw the delicacies on the tray, she immediately cast aside her worries just now.

She stared at the delicious food without blinking her eyes, drooling from greed.

Bai Yingying immediately let Liu Guang in, then sat at the table and waited for the food to be served.

Liu Guang scanned the room and asked, "Where is Your Highness?"

Bai Yingying pointed to the bathroom: "I'm taking a shower."

At this time, Chu Tianci's voice came from the bathroom: "Liu Guang, put your things down, you all get back."


Liu Guang agreed, and then put the midnight snacks on the table one by one. After that, he took the other people, retreated, and closed the door.

Looking at the brown sugar ginger soup in front of her, Bai Yingying felt a little warm in her heart. She reached out to pick up the ginger soup and gulped it down.

She put down the soup bowl and looked at the delicacies on the table, feeling a little greedy.

But thinking of Chu Tianci, she restrained her hunger and waited patiently for him.

After about a cup of tea, Chu Tianci finally came out in a wheelchair.

He was wearing a moon-white gown, and his whole body seemed to have been baptized by the moonlight, so clean that it was heart-pounding.

When Bai Yingying saw him, she was overjoyed and a smile appeared on her face: "Husband, you finally came out, Yingying starved to death."

Chu Tianci glanced at the untouched food on the table, and the warmth in his heart grew stronger.

He stared into her eyes and said softly, "Are you waiting for me?"

Bai Yingying picked up a small bowl, filled it with a bowl full of rice, and handed it to Chu Tianci: "Yes. I promised you last time that I would never eat up your food again. Look , I kept my promise, I was almost hungry, and I didn't steal a bite."

Chu Tianci smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, stroked her cheek lightly, and said a word dotingly: "Good boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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