The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 185 What is the purpose?

Chapter 185 What is the purpose?

The two hugged each other quietly, and the surroundings were so quiet that they could almost hear each other's heartbeat.

After a while, Chu Tianci suddenly asked: "You haven't told me yet, why did you disguise yourself as a man when you went out today? And why are there ink marks on your face?"

Bai Yingying leaned on his chest and said in a low voice: "I am Princess Qin, if I go out like this, it will inevitably bring unnecessary trouble to my husband, so I disguised myself as a woman, and as for the ink..."

Bai Yingying tilted her head and winked at him playfully: "It's not because Yingying is so good-looking that she was afraid of stealing the hearts of the girls in Jinling City, so she had to use ink to smear a few big moles on her face. "

Chu Tianci: "..."

His little Jiaojiao is really...

However, he really loves her like this so much that he can't extricate himself...

He embraced her, and kissed her lightly on her lips: "Next time you go out, you can just disguise yourself as a man, and you don't need to have a big mole on your face. Since my little Jiaojiao is going to go out for a walk, then she will have to take care of her." In the most amazing way, no matter how selfish this king is, he can't use this way to cover up your brilliance."

His voice was low and gentle, with a slight hoarseness.

Bai Yingying was so excited that she climbed onto his body excitedly, put her arms around his neck, kissed his face twice, and then looked at him: "Husband, you are so kind!"

Chu Tianci's Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was seductive: "Call me brother!"


Bai Yingying called out sweetly.

Chu Tianci reached out to hold her small face, pulled her down, and kissed her hard.

When the two were entangled, a piece of jade pendant suddenly rolled down.

Bai Yingying was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out to pick it up.

However, he was a step too late, the jade pendant was carried away by Chu Tianci.

Bai Yingying was a little anxious, and reached out to grab it: "Brother, return the jade pendant to me."

Holding the jade pendant, Chu Tianci looked carefully at the candlelight, and when he saw the words on the jade pendant, his eyes turned cold for an instant.

"Where did this jade pendant come from?"

His voice returned to its usual indifference.

Bai Yingying was shocked.

Why did this man's face change so quickly, one second he was merciless, and the next second he turned ruthless.

Bai Yingying didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly replied: "Others paid for it."

"Compensation?" Chu Tianci squinted his eyes and asked, "Who paid for it? Why did she pay you the jade pendant?"

Afraid that he would drop the jade pendant, Bai Yingying held his hand holding the jade pendant with both hands, and said anxiously: "Then let me tell you, you can't smash this jade pendant like last time."

Chu Tianci refused to accept the soft and hard words: "You tell me first, and I will decide whether to smash this jade pendant or not."

Bai Yingying: "..."

Although she was very reluctant, she still had to tell the truth: "It rained heavily today, I was walking on the road, and suddenly a carriage passed by me, and I was thrown into a puddle by the carriage.

Naturally, I refused to give up, and asked the owner of the carriage to make a theoretical compensation, and finally reached an agreement that the owner of the carriage should pay me 50 taels of silver.

Because he didn't have any cash, he paid it with this jade pendant.

However, he also said that after three days, he will bring 50 taels of silver to redeem this jade pendant, so husband, you can't smash this jade pendant, it is worth 50 taels of silver. "

Chu Tianci: "..."

How could this jade pendant be worth more than 50 taels? More than 5000 taels!
What is the purpose of that person handing over such a precious thing to a stranger as soon as he made a move?

(End of this chapter)

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