The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 190 Then Why Are You So Jealous?

Chapter 190 Then Why Are You So Jealous?

In the VIP room, trays of jewelry were brought in, including walkers, jade hairpins, earrings, and necklaces...

Chu Tianci pointed at the jewelry and asked, "Which jewelry do you like?"

Bai Yingying looked at the jewelry, apart from simple buyao, earrings, necklaces, and other complicated ones, she didn't even know how to wear them.

She looked back at Chu Tianci and shook her head slightly.

Chu Tianci was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "You don't even like it?"

Bai Yingying shook her head: "No, Yingying doesn't know which one to choose, why don't my husband help Yingying choose."

Chu Tianci didn't know much about jewelry, so he looked at Shopkeeper Wan and said, "Can you recommend some of them."

So shopkeeper Wan racked his brains and recommended some of the best jewelry in the store to Chu Tianci.

Chu Tianci just took a symbolic glance, then nodded: "Then let's put on these things."

Shopkeeper Wan was very happy, and immediately ordered someone to bring the jewelry box and put the jewelry in it.

Chu Tianci saw that there was a pair of pearl earrings inside, they looked small and charming, and they matched Bai Yingying very well.

He waved to shopkeeper Wan: "Bring those pearl earrings here."

Shopkeeper Wan quickly agreed, and presented the pearl earrings together with the box with both hands.

Chu Tianci waved to Bai Yingying with a soft voice: "Lower your head."

Bai Yingying lowered her head obediently, Chu Tianci raised her hand to twist her earlobe, took the pearl earring with the other hand, and carefully put it on for her.

The shopkeeper Wan and the fellows at the side were too shocked to speak when they saw King Qin and Princess Qin like this.

This is simply shocking news...

I believe that there is no need to wait until tomorrow, the whole of Jinling will be blown up by this news.

After Chu Tianci put on the earrings for Bai Yingying, he grabbed her shoulders, looked at her small face carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction: "It looks good, it suits you very well."

Bai Yingying smiled sweetly: "Thank you husband."

After leaving Wancui Building, they went to Baoyi Building and Yanzhifang.

These two are also the best clothing store and rouge gouache store in Jinling City.

As for clothes, Bai Yingying was not as refusing as jewelry, she went to pick out clothes herself, not only picked out clothes for herself, but also picked out a few for Chu Tianci.

In Yanzhifang, she also picked out a few things she could use and put them into Chu Tianci's carriage together.

When the two came out of Rouge Square, they wandered all the way.

Bai Yingying is greedy for food, so she met an old man selling candied haws on the road.

She immediately went up to buy two bunches, then happily ran back, handed one to Chu Tianci, and gnawed on the other.

Liu Guang walked over and blocked the bunch of candied haws: "Princess Wangfei, Your Highness cannot eat outside food."

The king of Qin has a noble status, and so many people want his life, so how can he just buy food outside?

Bai Yingying took it back, opened her mouth to bite off one, and handed it to Chu Tianci again: "Husband, Yingying tried it for you."

Chu Tianci looked at the candied haws skewer with only four left, then at her bulging cheeks, and finally reached out and took the candied haws.

He took a bite and immediately frowned: "It's so sour!"

Bai Yingying was a little embarrassed: "Husband, you don't like sour food."

Chu Tianci nodded: "It's too sour, I can't bear it."

"Ah?" Bai Yingying suddenly gave a wicked smile, and said in a low voice, "Then why are you so jealous?"

Chu Tianci: "..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Liu Guang coughed non-stop, looked around, and pretended not to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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