Chapter 196 No One Can Miss Her

Immediately, Bai Yingying's voice came from the speaker of the player.

Lou Cangyue was stunned, she circled around those two strange devices again and again.

"Yingying, how did this strange guy make the sound just now?"

Bai Yingying smiled and said, "Because I just used this tape recorder to record my voice."

"There is such a miraculous machine!" Lou Cangyue was amazed, she took Bai Yingying's hand and shook it twice: "Yingying, can I try it?"

"Sure!" Bai Yingying took out the record again and put it into the recording device just now.

Turning on the recording switch again, Lou Cangyue couldn't wait to shout into the recording port: "Yingying is a little fairy."

Then she turned around and pulled Bai Yingying: "Yingying, take it here and try it."

Bai Yingying nodded with a smile, took out the record from the recording device, put it into the player, and turned on the switch.

Sure enough, the voice of "Yingying is a little fairy" appeared.

However, in this voice, there was also the voice of what Bai Yingying said before.

Lou Cangyue frowned slightly: "It recorded both our voices."

Bai Yingying nodded: "Well, the effect of this combination is not very good, I still need to improve it."

Two days later, Bai Yingying's machine and records were improved.

This time, the machine not only has a recording function, but also has the function of burning and emptying records.

Moreover, the recorded voice has no flaws at all, and it sounds exactly like the original voice.

Lou Cangyue's admiration for Bai Yingying is like a surging river.

She began to drag Bai Yingying to study again: "Yingying, can you teach me this again, this is fun, much more fun than studying medicine."

Bai Yingying's face darkened slightly: "You don't want to study medicine anymore?"

"Ah?" Looking at her gloomy face, Lou Cangyue shook her head subconsciously: "No, I mean that while studying medicine, I also learn this."

Only then did Bai Yingying feel relieved, after all, among these people, only Lou Cangyue and her were the most one-hearted, and no one would be able to lack her for the major surgery in the future.

Bai Yingying nodded: "Okay, whatever you want to learn, as long as I know it, I can teach you."

Lou Cangyue was so happy that she hugged Bai Yingying and did not let go: "Yingying, you are such a little fairy, I love you so much!"

When she was happy, Lou Cangyue pulled her out: "Yingying, let's go, let's go find our senior brother and tell him that you made such a novel machine, he will be very happy to hear it."

Bai Yingying shook her head: "My husband is very busy recently, let's not bother him.

In the past few days, those people outside should have learned the song "Flower is too fragrant", and we will go out to record that song in a while. "

So, the two of them moved the two machines out of the yard together.

Bai Yingying clapped her hands: "Everyone, come here."

The ten people Chu Tianci arranged for her immediately surrounded her.

Bai Yingying asked: "How is your song practice?"

Lu Gu, who was in charge of beating the drum, stepped forward: "Go back to the princess, my subordinates have already practiced."

The others followed suit: "Your subordinates are ready to practice."

Bai Yingying nodded: "Okay, now, let's play together and see if there is any problem."

At this moment, Wang Song jumped over from the side, screaming "quack".

"Ancestor, can you let me play the drums?"

Bai Yingying knelt down, patted his head, and asked in a low voice, "How do you beat? Can you beat the drum loudly?"

(End of this chapter)

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