The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 222 Even You Are My King's

Chapter 222 Even You Are My King's

Chu Tianci steered the wheelchair to turn slightly, and Bai Yingying flew into the air.

Naturally, she refused to let it go, she quickly got up and rushed towards the banknote box in Chu Tianci's hand.

Chu Tianci lifted up the banknote box, and Bai Yingying jumped on him directly, climbing up to grab the banknote box like climbing a tree.

"Give it back! It's mine!"

Bai Yingying grabbed his arm and climbed up, stretching her fingertips to reach the cash box.

"Your?" Chu Tianci sneered, "I'm right to say it's mine."

Bai Yingying was stunned for an instant, and her movements were also slightly paused. She stared at him with an incredulous expression on her face.

"Why? Obviously I earned it. Cang Yue and Xiao Hong Xiao Cui can both testify."

Seeing the shocked and angry expression on her face, Chu Tianci felt slightly happy.

He took a deep look at her, and then said with a serious and extremely domineering face: "The entire Qin Palace belongs to this king, even you belong to this king, let alone this mere 9 taels?"

Bai Yingying: "..."

There is such a shameless man in the world!It really pissed me off!
Bai Yingying was so angry that she climbed up angrily, while gnashing her teeth and scolding: "Shameless! Stealing a woman's money! Hmph, I was going to give you a share because you are my husband. Now, I don't want to give you any money, not even a tael!
Dog prince, smelly prince, rotten prince, I've had enough of you! "

"Originally, for the sake of you being my husband, I planned to share with you."

These words echoed in Chu Tianci's mind, and there was a hint of sweetness in his heart.

It turned out that she had him in her heart from beginning to end.

The latter words made him dumbfounded again.

At this time, Bai Yingying had already climbed on top of his head, her right hand tightly wrapped around his head, and her left hand stretched upwards vigorously, trying to reach the banknote box that Chu Tianci held up high.

Chu Tianci felt her body tightly in his arms, and the faint fragrance of her body penetrated into his nose and melted into his heart.

Her delicate body was almost pressed against his face.

He was completely stunned.

Bai Yingying's fingertips stretched forward vigorously, and the moment her fingertips touched the box, Chu Tianci moved forward slightly with her right hand, and the silver ticket box landed firmly in the middle of their bed.

Bai Yingying cried out in surprise, and immediately wanted to slip off him and grab the box, but was hugged by him.

Chu Tianci grabbed her shoulders with both hands, pressed her tightly against his body, and then took a deep breath of intoxication.

"Jiaobao, you smell so good."

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this sweet address, Bai Yingying was stunned for a moment, then she became indignant for a moment: "I'm not your baby, let me go!"

Hmph, you think you can take over my 9 taels by calling Jiaobao, but there is no way!
No!There are no windows either!
"Don't let me go!" Chu Tianci said very rascally: "Today, you haven't treated me, I suddenly feel a little pain in my head, and my legs seem to be a little uncomfortable."

Bai Yingying exclaimed angrily, "I'm not in the mood!"

Chu Tianci put his arms around her, kissed her lightly on the lips, and then coaxed in a low voice: "You treat this king, and when it's over, this king will reward you with the money box."

Bai Yingying was furious, and blurted out: "The banknote box is mine!"

Lord Dog simply refreshed her three views.

Chu Tianci looked at her distraught look with a relaxed expression: "It seems that you don't know much about the laws of our Southern Chu. In Southern Chu, after a woman gets married, except that the dowry belongs to her, she I, and all the value created in my husband's family after getting married, belong to my husband's family."

(End of this chapter)

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