The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 226 Don't Make This King Say It Three Times Every Time

Chapter 226 Don't Make This King Say It Three Times Every Time

Chu Tianci glanced at her, but didn't speak, and then his eyes fell on the book.

He looked at it for a while, but found that he couldn't even read a word.

He looked up at her: "Not good! You read it to me."

With a bitter face, Bai Yingying said in a bit of embarrassment: "But Yingying can't read."

"Illiterate?" Chu Tianci raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, his eyes were full of scrutiny.

I can't read, how can I make a machine like a magic sound player?I can't read, how can I have such superb medical skills?

Or, she just doesn't know Nanchu's characters?

Just as Chu Tianci was about to speak, Bai Yingying turned her head to look at the hourglass behind her, and at this moment, the sand in the hourglass had just run out.

Bai Yingying hurriedly put the book aside and walked over with a smile: "It's time, I'll help you pull out the needle."

The thin needle was pulled out from Chu Tianci's body, and he felt that his body seemed to be much more relaxed.

He raised his head slightly, and a strong suction directly rolled over the book that Bai Yingying had placed in the chair.

Bai Yingying subconsciously glanced at him, muttering to herself.

What is the reason for his powerful strength?Logically speaking, this does not conform to science!
She thought so in her heart, and walked over: "Husband, Yingying will help you feel the pulse."

Chu Tianci didn't speak, and stretched out his hand directly.

Bai Yingying took his pulse carefully and felt that his pulse was indeed stronger than that of ordinary people.

She thought for a while, and then said, "Husband, can you please help me get the towel from the shelf over there?"

Chu Tianci glanced at her and said nothing, but finally put down the book in his hand, raised his hand and grabbed the towel on the shelf for her.

The moment he just raised his hand, Bai Yingying felt his pulse suddenly become very strong.

She realized something in her heart, let go of his hand, took the towel, wiped her hands, and then packed up the needles, waiting for disinfection tomorrow.

After working for a long time, Bai Yingying's stomach growled with hunger.

She was about to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, but Chu Tianci's voice came from behind her.

"come over!"

Bai Yingying turned around: "Husband, it's time for dinner."

Chu Tianci didn't mean to eat when he was hungry at all. He gave her a cold look, and then ordered again: "Come here! Don't let me say it three times every time."

Bai Yingying had no choice but to return to him.

Chu Tianci raised his hand and pulled her into his arms.

Bai Yingying exclaimed, subconsciously struggling.

Chu Tianci put his arms around her waist, his voice was cold and deep.

"Don't move, I will teach you how to read."

"Ah?" Bai Yingying was a little confused, she tilted her head and asked him: "Husband, why did you teach Yingying how to read?"

Chu Tianci said angrily, "I'm afraid you will embarrass me!"

Bai Yingying curled her lips, feeling aggrieved in her heart, but she didn't struggle anymore, and obediently sat in his arms, following him to learn how to read.

Chu Tianci passed his hands around her waist, holding a book in his right hand, pointing to the words in the book with his left hand, teaching her one by one.

Bai Yingying was originally a super student, and she learned very quickly. Chu Tianci only taught each word once, and she knew it.

After reading a book, Bai Yingying knew all the characters.

When Chu Tianci asked her to read it the second time, she didn't read a word wrong.

After reading it for the second time, Chu Tianci turned his head to look at her side face, his mind was very delicate.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Your Highness, dinner is ready."

When Bai Yingying heard this, she immediately jumped up excitedly. She couldn't wait to push Chu Tianci's arms holding her away, and then flew towards the door like a bird looking for food.

(End of this chapter)

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