The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 244 It seems that he took a fancy to the opportunity this king gave him

Chapter 244 It seems that he took a fancy to the opportunity this king gave him

Yu Juechen immediately leaned over with a face full of gossip: "Do it for your little princess?"

Chu Tianci ignored him.

Yu Juechen was bored, so he pulled a chair over and sat beside Chu Tianci.

"This time I went out, I also checked the magic sound player for you. What is certain is that the Baifu has never had this machine before, so it can be seen that this machine was made by your little princess.

According to the previous investigation and treatment, I'm [-]% sure that your little princess is not Bai Yingying from the Bai family at all. "

Chu Tianci paused slightly, raised his eyes, and glanced at him coldly: "Who asked you to investigate her?"

"Ah??" Yu Juechen was a little confused: "This is not you..." I said before, should I investigate everything that I think is suspicious?

Before Yu Juechen finished speaking, Chu Tianci coldly interrupted: "From now on, without my king's permission, you are not allowed to investigate her again!"

Yu Juechen choked for a moment, and suddenly he thought of something, and immediately leaned over and asked in a low voice: "You already know her identity? Tell me, what is her identity?"
These days, he has been investigating, and many phenomena show that the current Bai Yingying is not the original Bai Yingying at all.

However, there is no real evidence to prove this.

Now that he heard some signs from Chu Tianci, how could he give up?

Chu Tianci didn't answer immediately, he carefully removed all the branches of the bamboo in his hand, then raised his head and looked at Yu Juechen.

"Her identity is this king's concubine. It didn't matter before. Maybe one day, she will tell this king her true identity. If she doesn't tell me, this king will not investigate."

After speaking, he lowered his head again and continued to fiddle with the bamboo in his hand.

Yu Juechen instantly looked at him like a monster.

Oh my god, is this the King Qin he knew?He actually allowed an unknown woman to stay by his side, and still trusted her so much.

You know, the former King of Qin, whenever there was something uncertain around him, he had to investigate and find out.

Otherwise, Fengyun Pavilion, which is now famous all over the world, would not be forced out.

Seeing that gossip was not as pleasant to hear, Yu Juechen felt a little annoyed. He stared at the movements of Chu Tianci's hands and remained silent.

At this time, Chu Tianci had already removed all the branches of the bamboo, put down the dagger in his hand, and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the wheelchair twice.

Liu Guang immediately stepped forward and pushed him into the house.

Yu Juechen immediately got up and followed him.

Liu Guang pushed him into the study, opened a secret door on the wall, and then pushed him into a secret room.

In that secret room, there are many tools and many weapons hanging on the wall, it is his secret martial arts workshop.

Liu Guang pushed Chu Tianci behind the table, and Chu Tianci took out all kinds of exquisite knives, grinding discs, etc. from the drawer under the table.

Chu Tianci took out a piece of fine jade and ground it in the millstone.

When Yu Juechen saw it, he immediately strode forward: "It's a fine jade, why grind it into powder?"

Chu Tianci raised his head and glanced at him: "Make decorations for the bamboo flute."

Yu Juechen: "..."

Impressed!It seems that His Royal Highness Qin Wang is really deep in it, unable to extricate himself.

However, this seems to be fine.

Yu Juechen pulled up a chair, sat in front of the table, and began to report other things.

"Last night, Shen Wang was sent to prison. Before dawn, Feng Zian and Xu Zhihu were ordered to search Shen's house."

Chu Tianci didn't stop his hands, and said casually: "Feng Zian has also gone, it seems that he has taken a fancy to the opportunity this king gave him, very good."

(End of this chapter)

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