The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 263 This is too coincidental!

Chapter 263 This is too coincidental!

In the past so many years, he never had a woman to serve him, and even the clothes were washed by the men under him.

But this Bai Yingying was able to let go of her status as a princess and wash clothes for King Qin, how could this not surprise people?
Bai Yingying nodded: "Yes, although this concubine is the concubine of Qin, she is also the wife of the husband, so it is only natural to do his laundry."

Concubine Duan didn't speak for a while, she just stared at Bai Yingying, her gaze became slightly deeper.

It seems that Tianci likes her for a reason.

This child is not only born well, but also treats him wholeheartedly. Just ask, which man in this world does not want such a virtuous and beautiful wife.

Concubine Duan looked at her for a while, then suddenly raised her hand and waved to her.

Bai Yingying hesitated for a while, but still walked over.

Concubine Duan reached out to hold her hands, and found that her small hands were white and bubbly, slightly cold.

She felt a little distressed: "As the concubine of Qin, she can't do everything by herself. If doing these small things delays the big thing of taking care of Tianci, isn't it because of small things?"

Bai Yingying felt her distress and was a little surprised.

But after thinking about it, King Qin is her child after all, and she treats King Qin well, so as a mother, she will naturally be happy.

Bai Yingying shook her head: "Mother, don't worry, Yingying will take good care of His Highness, so don't worry."

Concubine Duan thought for a while, and then said: "Wei girl is very skilled in medicine, you can find a chance to persuade Tianci, let him give Wei girl a chance to try, what if it is cured? You are a princess, don't you think so?" Is your husband healthy?"

"Of course Yingying hopes that her husband will be healthy, but why is the concubine mother so sure that Miss Shen can cure her husband's leg disease?"

"Aijia has tried it, of course I know." Concubine Duan looked at Sister Lan at the side.

Sister Lan immediately explained: "Before, the concubine could not sleep every night and had a terrible headache, which was cured by Miss Shen. She also has a lot of research on leg diseases. Last time, Sister Gui broke her leg. Miss Shen also cured her.

The empress dowager is completely thinking of His Highness, and she also asks the Empress Dowager Wang to persuade His Highness. "

Bai Yingying: "Do you still have the prescription and medicine residue that Miss Shen gave to my concubine? Show me."

Concubine Duan was puzzled: "You don't know medical skills, what's there to see?"

Bai Yingying: "Concubine mother, I don't know medical skills, but I am just like concubine mother. I am concerned about my husband. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. I am not familiar with that girl Shen. How can I easily trust her and introduce her to you?" For your husband?

I don't know medical skills, so the only thing I can do is to take back the prescriptions and medicine residues prescribed by her, and ask the doctor next to my husband to decide. "

Concubine Duan thought about it, and a smile appeared on her face: "It's better that you are more thoughtful. Sister Lan, go and bring the prescription and the dregs to Wangfei."


After Sister Lan left, Bai Yingying took the initiative to hold Concubine Duan's hand: "Concubine Mu, since when did you have headaches?"

Concubine Duan was taken aback, then subconsciously shook her head: "Aijia never had a headache before, probably because he couldn't sleep well in the past few nights, so he had a headache."

Bai Yingying tilted her head and asked, "Has the concubine ever had trouble sleeping before?"

Concubine Duan shook her head again: "Ai's family has been sleeping well..."

Speaking of this, Concubine Duan realized something was wrong...

This is too coincidental!

(End of this chapter)

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