The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 265 Are you Eunuch Wang, the chief eunuch next to the empress dowager?Why doesn't this

Chapter 265 Are you Eunuch Wang, the chief eunuch next to the empress dowager?Why doesn't this princess look like her?
The eunuch in Tsing Yi straightened his chest slightly, putting on airs: "Our family is Wang Fulai, the chief eunuch who is next to the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager ordered that Princess Xuan Qin enter the palace to pay a visit."

"Oh?" Bai Yingying imitated the way Wang Fulai looked at him just now, and looked him up and down: "You are the chief eunuch Wang Gonggong next to the empress dowager? Why don't you look like this princess?"

Yo!This Princess Qin is quite eloquent!
Wang Fulai was stunned for two seconds, then took out a token from his sleeve, and put it in front of Bai Yingying: "Look, this is the token of the Empress Dowager's Fengqing Palace, take a look."

Bai Yingying poked her head over in a serious manner, and looked carefully at the token.

After watching for a long time, Wang Fulai became a little impatient: "Did Princess Qin see clearly?"

Bai Yingying nodded: "See clearly."

Wang Fulai was very proud: "Then Princess Qin can leave with our family."

Bai Yingying thought for a while: "My princess, go and talk to His Highness first."

"No need." Wang Fulai waved his sleeves: "Your Highness, our family has already explained."

He said, and took a deep look at Bai Yingying: "Ever since Princess Qin and His Royal Highness Qin got married, she has never entered the palace to meet the Queen Mother. It is not convenient for His Royal Highness, is it not convenient for Princess Qin? Or is it that Princess Qin thinks With the backing of His Royal Highness the King of Qin, how can we ignore the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager?"

Bai Yingying's heart trembled, it seemed that if she didn't go to the palace with him to see the queen mother today, she would be charged with disrespect and disfilial immediately.

"How can it be?" Bai Yingying showed a sweet and harmless smile on her face: "My princess has always been thinking about her mother, and she also prepared a thoughtful little gift for her, so please wait a moment, my lord. The princess will come as soon as she goes."

Wang Fulai was afraid that she would sue King Qin, so he immediately stepped forward to stop her: "No need, Princess Qin's gift, let's wait until the next birthday of the Empress Dowager to present it."

At this moment, Wang Song was leading a group of ducks to play in the grass in front of them.

Bai Yingying immediately waved to that side: "Song Song!"

When Wang Song heard this, he immediately ran over waddling.

Bai Yingying pointed at Wang Song: "My concubine is a very smart duck, he can dance, so I want to bring him into the palace and dance for my queen to please her."

Wang Song: "???"

When I was a man, I knew how to dance, but how do I dance now...

Wang Fulai looked down at Wang Song, with obvious disgust in his eyes: "This is just an ordinary duck, how can it get into the eyes of the empress dowager?"

Bai Yingying raised her hand and clapped it twice.

Although Wang Song was a little upset, he still twisted his body cooperatively and turned a few times in front of Bai Yingying.

Bai Yingying pointed her finger: "Look, this is the simplest, and he can do many other moves."

Wang Fu saw that the duck was indeed full of aura, thinking that it might make the Empress Dowager smile, so he nodded: "Okay, then take it with you."

So, Bai Yingying found a bamboo basket, put Wang Song in it, then carried the basket, followed Wang Fulai, and walked out.

At the gate of Prince Qin's Mansion, there was already a carriage waiting there.

Bai Yingying stepped into the carriage with a bamboo basket.

About half an hour later, the carriage stopped, the curtain was lifted, and Bai Yingying got out of the carriage with a bamboo basket.

Bai Yingying looked around, and saw a tall and magnificent palace in front of her. On the lintel of the palace, there were three big characters "Fengqing Palace".

(End of this chapter)

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