The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 271 I had no intention of going to court

Chapter 271 I had no intention of going to court

When Emperor Chu saw that he contradicted him face to face, he was furious.

He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked: "Then did he confess the mastermind?"

Feng Zian: "I will explain soon."

"Heh!" Emperor Chu sneered: "What a moment, your confession, did he take the initiative to explain it, or did Master Feng ask him to explain it?"

Feng Zian took a step forward: "Your Majesty has wronged you. Your Majesty entrusted me with the important task of being the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment. I dare not bend the law for personal gain. Everything I do is in accordance with the laws of Southern Chu."

Emperor Chu: "What do you mean, even I have ordered you not to move?"

Feng Zian shook his head: "No, what this humble official did was exactly according to the emperor's order. The humble official enforced the law impartially, and it was also for the sake of the emperor's country, the world of Southern Chu..."

Yue Tingfeng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Master Feng, are you doing this for the sake of the emperor, or for your Feng family to monopolize power?"

"You!" Feng Zian immediately turned his spearhead and pointed at Yue Tingfeng: "Your Majesty, he is not an official in the court, how can he have the right to discuss political affairs here, and please order the Emperor to drive him out of the palace!"

The anger in Emperor Chu's heart was instantly ignited, he gave Feng Zian a cold look, and said expressionlessly: "Who said Yue Aiqing is not qualified to discuss political affairs, I have already appointed him as a political adviser, third grade, now, He is as qualified to discuss political affairs as you are."

When Feng Zian heard this, he exploded immediately: "Your Majesty, you can't! How can you be so hasty in the appointment of senior officials above the third rank in the court? This is an edict. Before the edict is issued, it must be deliberated by the subordinates before it can be issued. Yes."

"Presumptuous!" Emperor Chu was furious: "How dare you say that I am sloppy? Feng Zian, do you want to rebel?"

Feng Zian's heart shuddered, and he quickly knelt down: "I don't dare."

Emperor Chu got up angrily, shook his sleeves vigorously, and then walked away.

Feng Zian stood up slowly, walked in front of Yue Tingfeng, sneered and mocked: "Heh, what are you pretending to be a high-ranking son, and it turned out that you sharpened your head and wanted to plunge into this court, hmph, oh!"

Yue Tingfeng smiled faintly: "I didn't intend to go to the court, but the court was filthy.

There is no way, Yuemou eats the emperor's salary, so he has to take care of the emperor's affairs, no matter how careless he is, he has to dedicate himself to solve the emperor's worries and problems. "

After finishing speaking, Yue Tingfeng walked out elegantly.

Feng Zian was so angry that he almost lost his breath, but for a while, there was nothing he could do about it.


At the gate of Fengqing Palace, Bai Yingying walked out angrily, never expecting a figure to rush in front of her.

Fortunately, Bai Yingying reacted quickly and evaded to the side in time, so she didn't collide with that person.

When Bai Yingying was avoiding, she accidentally bumped her arm. She subconsciously let go of her hand, and the bamboo basket fell to the ground, then rolled down the steps.

Wang Song followed the bamboo basket all the way down, and was dizzy for a while. Finally, the bamboo basket rolled to the bottom of the steps, and the lid flew out. Wang Song was also thrown out, and fell into a clump of flowers and trees in front. under.

Wang Song was dizzy. He stood up and shook his head. He felt that he couldn't stand still, and his body couldn't help swaying from side to side.

Bai Yingying was shocked, holding her hurt arm, she wanted to run down to see Wang Song.

Unexpectedly, the person on the opposite side leaned over and blocked her way.

Bai Yingying raised her head subconsciously, only to realize that the person who almost collided with her just now was none other than Prince Chuli.

When she saw Chu Li, she felt a little disgust in her heart: "Good dogs don't get in the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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