The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 291 How do you want me to avenge you?

Chapter 291 How do you want me to avenge you?

At this time, there was a sound of "boom" in the center of the lake, and Wang Song plunged into the water.

Bai Yingying turned her head to look, and covered her eyes helplessly.

Wang Song stuck his head out of the water, only to find that his ancestors were already on the lawn by the bank.

He blinked his eyes in disbelief, feeling a little upset.

When did the ancestors learn such an unfathomable lightness kung fu?Don't even tell him!Make him nervous for a long time!

Although he was upset, he still swung his tail, spread his wings, and swam towards Bai Yingying quickly.

Bai Yingying sat on the ground, still in shock.

She thought of the blue ball of light that was supporting her just now, and a familiar feeling surged in her heart.

And the force behind forcibly grabbing her ashore also seems a little familiar.

When she was thrown from the fifth floor by Chu Li in Haodu Restaurant, a ball of blue light flew out from the side, holding her up...

Is it the moon listening to the wind again?He saved himself again?
Thinking of this, Bai Yingying looked in the direction where the blue light and mysterious power came from just now, and saw a carriage slowly approaching.

And the one sitting in front driving the car was actually Liu Guang!
There was a bang in Bai Yingying's head...

Could it be that the one who secretly rescued her that day was the dog prince?
No wonder he was so angry afterwards, it turned out that he was not rewarded for saving himself!
Thinking of this, Bai Yingying couldn't bear it any longer, she got up from the grass and rushed towards the carriage.


Seeing Bai Yingying galloping towards him, Liu Guang quickly grabbed the horse's reins and stopped the carriage.

Bai Yingying ran to the door of the carriage, climbed onto the carriage with all hands and feet, threw herself into Chu Tianci's arms, and hugged his neck tightly with both hands.

Wang Song also flew up with him, he didn't dare to waver in front of Chu Tianci, and hid in a corner after he got up.

"Husband, why did you come here? Yingying was almost bullied to death by them!"

Bai Yingying pressed her small face tightly against his chest, and complained aggrievedly.

Chu Tianci: "..."

She still has the nerve to blame him?If she hadn't come to the palace on her own initiative, would he have rushed into the palace in such a hurry and risked the danger?

Although he was full of anger in his heart, but when she flew over, he still didn't say anything to reproach him, but subconsciously stretched out his hand to encircle her delicate waist.

Not far away, Yue Tingfeng climbed up with difficulty, holding a flower tree with his hands, just in time to see the scene in the carriage.

He saw Bai Yingying throw herself into Chu Tianci's arms with his own eyes.

His heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

Yue Tingfeng, Yue Tingfeng, you are so sentimental!
The husband and wife love Ruosi, what are you?
Seeing Chu Tianci's sudden arrival, the eunuchs and maids on the bridge were stunned for a moment.

Chu Tianci didn't get out of the carriage, he reached out and patted her on the back, and asked, "Who bullied you just now? Show me!"

Bai Yingying turned around and pointed at Chu Sheng: "Her! She not only scolded me, but also let those eunuchs and maids beat me."

Chu Tianci raised his hand violently, with great strength, he directly rolled Chu Sheng over, and immediately knelt down in front of the carriage.

Chu Sheng was terrified: "Uncle Huang,'s not Sheng'er's fault..."

Chu Tianci ignored her, just looked at Bai Yingying, and asked softly: "How do you want me to avenge you?"

Bai Yingying thought for a while, "She's your niece, it's not good to hit her, so let her apologize to me."

Chu Tianci nodded slightly, and said coldly to the outside: "Apologize!"

"Is there a mistake?! Ask this princess to apologize to her?!" Chu Sheng immediately quit, and shouted loudly: "Uncle Huang, she just pushed me into the lake, she should apologize to me."

(End of this chapter)

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