The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 296 You Still Have a Little Conscience

Chapter 296 You Still Have a Little Conscience

She suddenly remembered that in the Haodu restaurant, Chu Tianci saw herself falling from the upstairs in some corner, and then shot that mysterious ball of light to save herself.

Suddenly, it occurred to her that the queen mother threatened her and asked her to send a letter to frame Chu Tianci.

After 5 minutes, she finally opened her eyes unbearably, and looked sideways at Chu Tianci.

His eyes are closed very well, the perfect eyeliner is as if painted on, and the long eyelashes are long and curled.

When he closed his eyes, all the coldness in his eyes was gone. His fair and perfect face seemed to be covered with a layer of moonlight. He was even smaller than the fresh meat in the entertainment industry in his previous life.

Bai Yingying swallowed subconsciously, and then quietly moved over inch by inch.

She lay sideways beside him, propped her cheek with her left hand, and admired it quietly by the moonlight.

After admiring it for a while, she couldn't help but let out a "tsk".

How can this man be so good-looking?

Chu Tianci swished his eyes open: "Have you seen enough?"

"Ah?" Bai Yingying slipped her arms, her head sank, and she lay beside him.

Bai Yingying simply lay on his chest and smiled sweetly: "I haven't seen enough."

Chu Tianci: "..."

He was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Are you as thick-skinned as all of your race?"


Thick-skinned? ?

Is he talking about her?

But, shouldn't she be "your girl"?Why "your race"?
Bai Yingying was stunned for five seconds before realizing that he really regarded herself as Wang Song's kind.

In this way, it would be difficult for her to tell him about the queen mother.

After all, if she is Wang Song's kind, then she has nothing to do with the Bai family.

Then, Bai Xu's life and death will naturally not threaten her.

If you really want to clarify this matter, you have to explain everything about the system and Wang Song.

This will not work!

Bai Yingying thought about it seriously, and then shook her head seriously: "No, someone like me who has both a good-looking face and an interesting soul is definitely one in a million, so my husband, you have made a lot of money!"

Chu Tianci: "..."

He was a little speechless, but he had to say that her arrogant and thick-skinned appearance was really cute...

He was silent for a while, then shook his head suddenly: "I feel that I haven't made a lot of money."

Bai Yingying asked, "Why?"

Chu Tianci looked at her and smiled meaningfully: "What do you think?"

Bai Yingying thought about it seriously, then shook her head: "I can't think of it."

This time, Chu Tianci did not continue to ask.

He is also very well-behaved, making Bai Yingying feel that he is probably really tired today.

Bai Yingying thought about the Haodu Restaurant, and before going to bed, she finally leaned into his ear and said in a low voice, "Husband, thank you."

As she spoke, she pressed a kiss on his lips.

Chu Tianci did not put his arms around her and kiss her deeply, but asked curiously: "Didn't you thank you just now in the palace?"

Bai Yingying shook her head: "It's not about today, but that day at Haodu Restaurant, Yingying fell from the fifth floor, and it was my husband who helped me, right?"

Chu Tianci looked at her and smiled suddenly, he stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of her head vigorously: "You still have a little conscience."

Bai Yingying took the initiative to lean towards his chest, grabbed his neck, and said in a low voice: "Husband, why didn't you tell me that day?"

(End of this chapter)

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