The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 310 You Have Nothing To Tell Me?

Chapter 310 You Have Nothing To Tell Me?
Chu Tianci looked at her, although his posture was not very elegant, but he felt that she was very beautiful today.

"It's okay, I don't despise you."

Bai Yingying: "..."

She had no choice but to tidy up her trousers and clothes under his eager gaze.

After that, she walked out with light steps and pushed Chu Tianci to the middle of the bedroom.

"Husband, have you eaten yet?"

Chu Tianci shook his head: "No, this king is waiting for you."

"Huh? Husband is waiting for me."

Bai Yingying was a little embarrassed.

Chu Tianci nodded slightly: "What? Look at you, have you eaten?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that there was a food bowl next to the mandarin duck's cage just now.

He also saw her original body eating the unhusked millet in the pot.

He suddenly realized in his heart, no wonder she has such a good appetite and is not picky about food. It turned out that when she was making mandarin ducks, she ate those things.

Thinking of this, Chu Tianci said expressionlessly: "In the future, eat less millet, so as not to be overwhelmed during dinner."

"Ah?" Bai Yingying was stunned for a second, before she realized: "Oh."

When the food was served, Bai Yingying ate with Chu Tianci.

She has a good appetite, and she didn't eat much in Medicine Ghost Valley, so she had a very happy meal.

After eating, it was getting late, after Bai Yingying took care of Chu Tianci to wash up, she pushed him down to the side of the bed, and put him back on the bed to lie down.

After that, she stood up and wanted to take a shower.

When she turned around, Chu Tianci suddenly reached out and grabbed her: "Where are you going?"

Bai Yingying: "I'm going to take a bath."

Only then did Chu Tianci let go of her hand, and softened his voice: "Then hurry up."

Bai Yingying nodded and smiled sweetly at him: "Well, Yingying will be here soon, husband, you should go to bed earlier."

Chu Tianci was noncommittal.

Bai Yingying turned around and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a busy day today, she was exhausted and sweated all over.

Sitting in the bathtub, the hot water wrapped her, washing away her fatigue.

Bai Yingying was taking a comfortable bath in the bathroom, while Chu Tianci was lying on the bed waiting for her eyes to see through.

Two quarters of an hour later, Bai Yingying finally finished washing, and came to the bed in snow-white pajamas.

She climbed onto the bed with both hands, and was about to crawl in when she suddenly met Chu Tianci's burning eyes.

Bai Yingying stopped what she was doing and looked at him: "Husband, are you still awake?"

Chu Tianci patted the inside with his right hand, his face was expressionless: "Come in first, I have something to ask you."

"Oh." Bai Yingying agreed, and crawled to the inside of the bed with hands and feet.

When climbing over him, her delicate body pressed against him, Chu Tianci suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, and subconsciously wanted to grab her.

But he didn't do anything, just lay there, looking at her figure.

Bai Yingying got into bed and lay beside him. Although she was very tired, she still kept her big eyes open and looked sideways at Chu Tianci.

"Husband, what do you want to ask?"

Chu Tianci looked into her bright eyes and frowned: "You don't have anything to tell me?"

Bai Yingying thought for a while, then shook her head: "Husband, you can ask whatever you want."

Seeing that she didn't take the initiative to speak out, Chu Tianci had no choice but to ask himself: "Today... why did you suddenly show your original shape?"

Bai Yingying was happy in her heart, but she showed a shy and ashamed look on her face: "It's all because Yingying's cultivation is not good enough, so she can't keep her human form for a long time. Husband, you don't despise Yingying, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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