Chapter 316

Bai Yingying glanced around the crop field, nodded: "Buy them all, but it's not enough."

When Li Dashan heard this, he was startled, and his gaze towards Bai Yingying became a little doggy.

In the circle I just introduced, there are hundreds of acres of land. Buy them all, how rich and powerful they are.

Li Dashan quietly asked: "My lord, how much land do you want to buy?"

Bai Yingying: "I heard that there is a place in Xinghua Village with many strange stones. Uncle Li, can you take me there to see?"

"Strange rocks?" Li Dashan was stunned for a moment, then he thought of a place, and he waved his hand immediately: "You mean rocky slopes? There are all rocks, and no crops grow there."

Bai Yingying: "Take me to have a look."

So, Li Dashan took Bai Yingying to Luanshipo.

The rocky slope is located in the east of Xinghua Village, and that piece is full of shiny stones with scales.

Bai Yingying was very happy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face: "How much is an acre of this land?"

"This piece of land belongs to wasteland and has no owner. However, if you really want to buy it, I can also come forward and help you get the title deed. The price, according to the imperial court's land reclamation price, is one tael of silver per mu, and it will not be used for three years. pay rent."

When Li Dashan said this, he paused for a moment, and couldn't help persuading him: "But my son, I advise you not to buy this land. This land, let alone three years, even 30 years, will not be able to grow food."

Bai Yingying smiled slightly: "Thank you, Uncle Li, for reminding me, I like this piece of land very much, Uncle Li, please help me measure the land."

Li Dashan never expected that this young man was so courageous that he bought it immediately when he said he wanted to buy it.

Because Li Dashan often has to do these things for the villagers, he always has a ruler with him, and it just comes in handy at this moment.

The entire rocky slope has a total of 100 mu, and the price is extremely cheap, only [-] taels.

In addition, there are about 2000 mu of cultivated land. Calculated at nine taels of silver per mu of land, there is more than [-] taels.

Because when Li Dashan called the price, he raised it appropriately, in order to give the buyer room to bargain.

The actual selling price of those farmlands is about six taels of silver.

And Bai Yingying was very straightforward, and she didn't bargain at all.

This made Li Dashan a little embarrassed, he hesitated for a moment, and reminded Bai Yingying: "Master, if you want to buy so much at once, the price can probably be negotiated again."

Bai Yingying laughed immediately, it was too upright here, and she even took the initiative to lower the price for her.

She waved her hand very generously: "No need, Uncle Li, the villagers have lived on this land for so long, and they must be very reluctant to sell the land to me now, so the extra money , even as compensation for them.”

Li Dashan did not expect that this young man is not only courageous, but also so easy to talk.

Now that everyone has said so, it is not easy for him to forcefully lower the price, so the person who entrusted him to sell the land should blame him.

When the sellers learned that the land was sold at such a high price, they were all very happy.

After a while, everyone in the village knew about it, and everyone came to Lizheng's house to see what kind of new resident came to the village, and he was so rich.

When the two parties signed the sales agreement, several other families came to ask Bai Yingying if she wanted to buy the land.

After all, the price Bai Yingying gave was the price for fertile land. They sold the barren clay land here, and they could go to the next village to buy more fertile land. This business is a sure profit.

Bai Yingying never refuses anyone who comes.

(End of this chapter)

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