The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 322 Be careful with your head!

Chapter 322 Be careful with your head!

"What?" the two asked stupidly.

Bai Yingying pointed to the Meiyin player: "This is the player, how do I turn the music on and off?"

The two shook their heads stupidly, and Qi Fang said in a daze: "Mr. Bai, I didn't see clearly just now, can you demonstrate again."


The two of them immediately approached and stared at Bai Yingying's hand without blinking.

Bai Yingying pressed the switch: "Press this button to open it."

She pressed it lightly, and the music really sounded.

Bai Yingying pressed the button next to it again: "Press this one to close it."

The two suddenly realized.

Bai Yingying looked at Qi Fang: "I haven't been home for many days. I'm going home today. I'll come later tomorrow. I'll leave this to you."

Qi Fang quickly nodded respectfully: "Yes, please rest assured Mr. Bai, Qi Fang guarantees that everyone here will be safe."

Bai Yingying nodded slightly: "Did you learn that acupuncture technique yesterday?"

Qi Fang nodded: "I have learned."

Bai Yingying asked him again: "When Cui An and Leng Feng come over later, teach them how to use this player."

Qi Fang nodded again.

After explaining everything that needed to be explained, Bai Yingying left in peace.

Just as Bai Yingying left, Ji Ling came to his senses. He reached out and patted Qi Fang's shoulder, and said with a dazed expression: "Now I finally understand why you made such a choice. This Mr. Bai, indeed He is a fairy, following him is indeed much more promising than being in Nine Colors."

Qi Fang nodded in agreement: "She is very good, so good that as long as you stay by her side, it is an honor and you feel extremely at ease."

"Hey, you know him quite well. Where does he live? Do you know?"

"What do you ask for this?"

"I admire him so much, so I want to know more." Ji Ling pulled Qi Fang and asked, "By the way, has he married yet?"

Qi Fang: "..."

He froze for a moment, frowned and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

Ji Ling smiled softly: "If he doesn't have a wife, I'll introduce him to one, have you forgotten? Doesn't Cui An have a younger sister in his hometown? Judging by his appearance, his younger sister must be handsome. Our Mr. Bai is also handsome. Chic, don't the two of you just look like men and women?"

Qi Fang waved his hand: "Don't think about it, Mr. Bai is married."

"Ah!" Ji Ling looked up, with a nympho look on his face: "If I were a woman, even if Mr. Bai got married, I would still be his concubine."

Qi Fang suddenly shivered from the cold: "Hurry up and put away this thought, if Mr. Bai's husband... Madam finds out, be careful with your head!"

He originally wanted to say "husband", but suddenly thought of Bai Yingying disguised as a man, so he quickly changed it to wife.

"Ah?!" Ji Ling looked in disbelief: "It's too unimaginable for a fairy like Mr. Bai to marry a tigress in his family."

Qi Fang: "..."

Chu Tianci's cold and cruel face suddenly flashed in his mind. Although it looked impeccable, it was also chilling.

Qi Fang waved his hand quickly: "Stop talking! Go to sleep now! After a while, Cui An and Leng Feng will be back, and we have to change shifts with him."


Because in the past few days, Bai Yingying has been busy in Yaogui Valley from morning to night, so her body and hair are inevitably dirty.

As for Medicine Ghost Valley, the housing has not yet been repaired, so it doesn't matter for the men to take a bath. They go to the bathroom of the temporary wooden house, just squeeze a bucket of water, and then take a bath.

Bai Yingying was not very convenient.

(End of this chapter)

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