The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 325 He misses her so much that he goes crazy!

Chapter 325 He misses her so much that he goes crazy!

Bai Yingying's heart tightened, even her palms were clenched.

Looking at the magnified handsome face of the man in front of her eyes, she suddenly remembered that the stinky duck just lay down in this place.

She quickly raised her head, took out her handkerchief and wiped his face.

Chu Tianci grabbed her left hand for wiping her face with his other hand, and gritted his teeth: "This time, why so many days?"

He misses her so much that he goes crazy!

Bai Yingying was taken aback for a moment, and understood what he meant in an instant. Her eyes flashed, she sighed softly, and then said in a low voice, "Because my husband has been too kind to me these few days, which has delayed my cultivation."

Chu Tianci: "..."

He looked at her, puzzled.

Bai Yingying looked at Chu Tianci, and said seriously: "The cultivation environment should not be too comfortable, otherwise I will easily doze off, which will delay my cultivation."

Chu Tianci suddenly realized, "So that's the case, then how can you practice faster."

Bai Yingying pointed back at the floor, "Just let me stay on the floor, and husband, don't get too close to Yingying, otherwise it will affect Yingying's cultivation."

Chu Tianci smiled lowly and asked, "How could it affect you?"

Bai Yingying leaned close to his ear, and smiled sweetly: "There is a handsome and delicious man around, it will definitely affect people's study."

Her voice was very low, and her gentle breath reached his ears with slight heat, causing bursts of numbness.

How dare she play tricks on him!
Chu Tianci gritted his teeth secretly, turned his head and kissed her hard on the lips, kissing and biting.

Bai Yingying felt a slight pain on her lips, she let out a low cry, and subconsciously stepped back.

But Chu Tianci reached out his hand to pinch the back of her head, and deepened the kiss until Bai Yingying was a little out of breath, and then he let her go.

Bai Yingying pressed her lovely swollen lips with her pale fingers, and she felt aggrieved: "Husband, why did you bite me?"

Chu Tianci gave a bad smile: "There is a beautiful and delicious beauty around me, so it will definitely make people want to bite."

Bai Yingying: "..."

Looking at her deflated expression, Chu Tianci felt very happy. He lowered his long arms to wrap around her waist, and promised in a low voice: "From tomorrow on, I won't disturb your studies. You should practice hard, so you can call me Let's meet up soon."

"En." Bai Yingying nodded heavily.


In the past two days, the court situation in Jinling has been very uneven.

Before Shen Wang's case was judged last time, several officials from the Ministry of Criminal Justice were sent to prison one after another.

The prison he was sent to was not the big prison of the Ministry of Punishment, but the iron prison of Xuanming Division.

Because the officials of the Ministry of Punishment had accidents one after another, Emperor Chu wanted to transfer all the cases that the officials of the Ministry of Punishment were handling to the Xuanming Department, and so did Shen Wang.

But on the side of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Feng Zian was naturally unwilling to hand over power.

When Zhao Kai took people to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to pick up people, he was resisted by Feng Zian. After a fierce conflict between the two sides, it turned out that Zhao Kai returned without success.

Just above the court hall this morning, Emperor Chu was thinking about how to speak up, asking Feng Zian to temporarily put down the power in his hands and hand it over to Xuan Mingsi.

However, Feng Zian took the first step and sued Emperor Chu, saying that the head of the Xuanming Division had brought people to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to rob him.

According to the current administrative structure of Southern Chu, matters of punishment and prison are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Punishment.

As for Xuanming Division, it mainly helps the emperor handle some private affairs, and sometimes the emperor will give cases to Xuanming Division to investigate and handle, but most of these cases are related to the royal family.

But there has never been a case in which the Ministry of Criminal Affairs handles half of the case, and then Xuan Mingsi directly takes over.

(End of this chapter)

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