The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 338 This is also a way out

Chapter 338 This is also a way out

"Making trouble for no reason!" Yue Tingfeng frowned, and said coldly: "I am me, she is her, please don't bring me and her together, Your Highness the Princess."

He paused, and continued: "Besides, my sweetheart is not her, so please don't make wild guesses, Your Highness, if it gets to the ears of King Qin, Her Highness will not be able to please her."

When Yue Tingfeng mentioned King Qin, Chu Sheng immediately thought of the scene from last time, she shivered subconsciously, and then she gave up when Yue Tingfeng repeatedly emphasized that the woman was not Princess Qin.

She softened her voice and asked, "Then who is your sweetheart? Where is she?"

Yue Tingfeng: "She's not in Jinling, and she and I have a long-standing engagement, so please don't force me any longer, Your Highness the Princess."

Chu Sheng asked several times in different ways, but Yue Tingfeng never said anything, she had no choice but to give up.

Coupled with Yue Tingfeng's order to evict guests again and again, Chu Sheng had no choice but to return to the palace angrily.

When Yue Tingfeng was talking to Chu Sheng, Shen Miaowei was in the next room.

Yue Tingfeng and Chu Sheng talked, and she heard everything in her ears.

Standing in front of the window, she looked at the back of Chu Sheng leaving angrily, her gaze was slightly deep, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind her, she immediately turned around, went to the table in front and sat down, stretched out her hand to hold a cup of tea, and sipped it absent-mindedly.

After a while, the door opened, and Yue Tingfeng walked in from the outside.

Shen Miaowei immediately put down the teacup and stood up quickly.

When Yue Tingfeng approached, she first bowed gratefully: "My father's matter, thank you, Mr. Yue, for your great help."

Yue Tingfeng asked: "How was your father's case decided?"

Shen Miao slightly lowered her eyes, "One million taels of silver will be paid, and then my father will go to Huainan to deal with the flood."

Yue Tingfeng nodded slightly, thought for a while, and asked again: "Do you have any money?"

Shen Miao shook her head a little embarrassedly, "Let's not talk about 100 million taels now, even 100 taels of silver is difficult to get out at home. I wonder if Young Master Yue has any connections that can allow me to borrow this 100 million taels."

"How can you pay back so much money?"

After all, it was his savior, a girl, who owed such a huge debt, how would she pay it back in the future?
Shen Miaowei: "Aren't I good at medicine? I want to stay in Jinling Medical Center to practice medicine."

Yue Tingfeng nodded slightly: "This is also a way out."

Shen Miao added, "I also know a little about rhythm, I wonder if Young Master Yue can recommend me to perform in the gambling restaurant."

Yue Tingfeng thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

Shen Miao hesitated for a moment, and said, "Last time, the piece that Young Master Yue and Princess Qin played together was very beautiful, I was there at that time and I could see that everyone liked it very much.

I don't know if Master Yue can teach me the tune that day. "

Yue Tingfeng refused very simply: "I haven't thought about accepting apprentices for the time being."

Shen Miaowei knelt down with a "plop", "Miao Wei dare not think about worshiping Young Master Yue as a teacher, but just wants to ask Young Master Yue to teach me that song so that I can earn money to pay off my debts!"

Yue Tingfeng took two steps back: "Miss Shen, get up quickly."

Shen Miaowei was on the verge of tears, she was very pitiful, "If Young Master Yue cannot agree, then Miaowei will not be able to kneel today."

Yue Tingfeng thought for a while, "Although I can't teach you the tune, I can write the score for you."

Shen Miao thanked slightly joyfully, then stood up and asked Yue Tingfeng where he could borrow 100 million taels of silver.

Yue Tingfeng thought for a while and said, "Tiandi Bank can borrow money, but the interest there is not low, so you should think about it."

Shen Miao nodded slightly, "Young Master Yue, please rest assured, I have already thought about it."

(End of this chapter)

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