The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 343 You Are Not Meaningful!Lie to us!

Chapter 343 You Are Not Meaningful!Lie to us!
This small building of the medical center is completely in the style of a modern building. In addition to water supply, there are heating pipes, and all modern things are available here.

Bai Yingying pointed to a room in front: "That's the security room. Qi Fang, Cui An, and Ji Ling can live in this room tonight."

She pointed to the next one, "Ming Lu, you should live here."

Lou Cangyue quickly asked: "What about me? Do I live in the next room?"

As she said that, she had already opened the door of the room, and the inside was indirect. Although it was not as luxurious as the palace, everything seemed very comfortable.

Bai Yingying smiled and said, "You should go home with me."

In the days before, Lou Cangyue lived here, and there were many men and women, but the environment was different then.

There are only so few people left now, and the rooms they live in are so close together, Bai Yingying feels that this seems a bit inappropriate.

Lou Cangyue didn't object at all, it's fine to go home, I haven't slept in her comfortable and warm quilt for a long time.

After that, Bai Yingying called them to Ming Lu's room and taught them how to turn on the hot water.

He gave them the clothes he had prepared in advance, and asked them to take a bath before going to bed.

Qi Fang and the others were very touched, this boss is so kind, they care so much about such small things as clothes, it is completely different from the black-hearted Nine Colors Hell.

Opening the doors of the other two rooms, Bai Yingying and Lou Cangyue took a shower and changed into clean and refreshing clothes.

Bai Yingying changed back to women's clothes.

When the two came out of the room, Cui An and Ji Ling were carrying a basin of washed clothes and were about to dry them on the drying table, when they suddenly saw two fairy-like beauties, and they were stunned.

The two opened their mouths wide and looked at Bai Yingying, their jaws almost dropped to their chests.

Bai Yingying came over: "From now on, the security of the clinic will depend on the three of you. I'll go home first. You've been tired for so many days, so go to rest early."

After finishing speaking, the two beauties walked towards the elevator arm in arm.

It wasn't until the two entered the elevator that Cui An came to his senses. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Ji Ling's arm: "Ji Ling, just... who was that fairy just now?"

Ji Ling was also foolish: "She...she said that the... security of the hospital depends on us, so it should be Mr. Bai."

"Oh my god! The young master is a woman! She is also a great beauty!"

The two immediately turned around and walked into the room. Qi Fang was wiping his hair with a towel before coming out of the bathroom.

Two people grabbed his arm, one left and one right.

"Brother Qi, you are not mean enough! You even lied to our brothers!"

"That's right, thanks to the fact that we treat you as a brother, you didn't tell us the truth."

Qi Fang paused slightly as he wiped his hair: "How could I lie to you? You see, I found a good job, and I notified you as soon as possible."

"That Mr. Bai is not a man but a woman, why didn't you tell us?"

"Yes, she is still a big beauty, but you are hiding it from us."

Qi Fang was taken aback, and subconsciously asked: "Wangfei has resumed her women's clothing?"

As soon as he said it, he realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth.

"Ahhh, you said Mr. Bai is the princess? Which princess?"

"Brother Qi, how many things are you hiding from us?"

The two fought together and twisted Qi Fang during the fight.

"Speak quickly!"

"That's right, we are all on our own now. The princess doesn't dress up as a man in front of us, which means she trusts us. Please tell us what you are hiding."

(End of this chapter)

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