Chapter 346 Hunting order?
Chu Tianci paused, put down the weapon in his hand, and raised his hand to tap the armrest of the wheelchair, with a trace of suppressed joy in his voice.

"Push me out."


While pushing Chu Tianci out, Liu Guang reported on the situation last night.

"Last night, the assassins came three times, a total of 15 people, ten of them were executed, and the other five were wounded and escaped."

"Did you alarm the princess?"

"No, none of them could get close to Qianqiu Palace, so they were killed and expelled."

Chu Tianci didn't speak any more, but there was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

Liu Guang pushes Chu Tianci out of Bai Yingying's teacher.

Through the window, Chu Tianci saw a slim girl standing at the top, giving lectures to the girls below.

The sunlight outside the window shone in and sprinkled on her body, making her whole body seem to be fringed with light, making her extremely beautiful.

He was fascinated by it, and he didn't listen to what Bai Yingying said.

Liu Guang bent down and approached Chu Tianci: "Your Highness, do you want your subordinates to go in and invite the princess out?"

Only then did Chu Tianci come back to his senses, he shook his head: "No need, go back."

After that, Liu Guang pushed Chu Tianci into the secret room again.


An ordinary courtyard in the east of Jinling City.

Bei Chenyue stood in the yard, staring at the sky, dazed.

It shouldn't be!Last time he clearly saw Bai Yingying enter this yard.

But why, after so many days, Bai Yingying never appeared again.

At this time, Qing Mo pushed the door open with breakfast in hand.

"Young master, here comes the steaming steamed stuffed bun."

Qing Mo handed over the bun, but Bei Chenyue didn't take it.

He glanced at Qing Mo: "Qing Mo, did she come back when I was not around?"

Qing Mo hurriedly said: "No, young master, we have lived here for so many days, let alone Miss Bai, I haven't even lived here with a single hair of her hair."

Bei Chenyue closed the fan with a "snap", and knocked on the top of his head with the fan bone.

"Nonsense! She didn't come, so her hair naturally wouldn't live in."

Qing Mo touched his head that was hurt by the beating, leaned over and said in a low voice: "My lord, I don't think Miss Bai will come anymore. Now that there are hunting orders in Jianghu, maybe Miss Bai has already been taken away by those gangsters." I can’t even say it’s not certain.”

"Pursuing order?" Bei Chenyue waved his fan, and asked calmly, "Isn't it King Qin who is chasing and killing?"

"Yes." Qing Mo followed Beichen to the table and put the buns on the table, "Their goal is to hunt down King Qin, but since King Qin broke his leg, he seldom leaves the Palace of King Qin. And heavily guarded.

In the past few days, several groups of assassins broke into Prince Qin's mansion. They either got in but couldn't get out, or they ran out with missing arms and legs.

They have nothing to do with Qin Wang, so now the target has shifted to Qin Wangfei.

Now that the Jianghu hunting order has been issued, anyone who can catch Princess Qin can immediately receive a reward of 1 taels of silver. "

Bei Chen took the bun near his mouth and put it down again.

"So, the relationship between King Qin and Princess Qin is very good?"

"I heard that it is like this, before, the King of Qin personally took Princess Qin to make a big purchase in Jinling City, and even put pearl earrings on her with his own hands.

And last time, at the auction held by Jinding Auction House, the King of Qin bid for a flute called Mo Shang. "

"Mo Shang is also related to Princess Qin?"

"Yes, my lord, I heard that before at Haodu Restaurant, Concubine Qin once played a ensemble with Yue Tingfeng, the No. 1 talent list, she was playing the flute at that time, and her flute skills were very good.

Probably because of this, King Qin wanted to photograph Mo Shang for her. "

Bei Chenyue fell silent immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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