Chapter 357 What do you know?

Chu Tianci frowned even tighter: "Yu Juechen, you can answer whatever this king asks you, can you not add more details?"

Yu Juechen quickly agreed: "Yes."

Chu Tianci: "The first three sentences."

Yu Juechen tilted his head to think for a while, and then asked tentatively, "Don't let him find a wife? Is that the sentence?"

Chu Tianci pointed his finger, "That's it."

Yu Juechen scratched his head with his hand and asked, "Is there any problem with this sentence?"

He really couldn't figure out what's wrong with this sentence?
Chu Tianci looked down at the beautiful bird in his arms, and asked, "You mean, this bird is male?"

"Yes!" Yu Juechen nodded very positively: "Mandarin ducks are divided into males and females. The male bird is a mandarin bird, and the female bird is a duck. The appearance of mandarin ducks is completely different. The female bird does not look very good-looking. It looks a bit like a duck, but the male bird is different. It looks very beautiful.

Well, just the one in your hand, it looks so good-looking, it should be regarded as the handsome man among the mandarin ducks. "

After hearing Yu Juechen's words, Chu Tianci lowered his head and stared at Peanut for a while, then suddenly threw it to the ground.

Anger rose in his heart, but he couldn't vent it at the moment, so he could only control the wheelchair with a gloomy face, and walked into the bedroom without looking back.

"Your Highness!"

Liu Guang and Yu Juechen sensed something was wrong and immediately chased after him.

Unexpectedly, just as the two of them ran to the door of the dormitory, the door of the dormitory was slammed shut with a "bang".

Afterwards, there was the sound of crackling and smashing things in the room.

Liu Guang and Yu Juechen looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, they didn't know what to do for a while.

After a while, Yu Juechen was the first to react.

He pulled Liu Guang over and asked in a low voice: "Recently, has anything strange happened in Prince Qin's Mansion?"

Liu Guang thought for a while, and suddenly his heart shivered. He approached Yu Juechen and said in a low voice: "There are strange things. I remember that a few days ago, I pushed His Highness back to the bedroom. The guard at the door firmly insisted that the princess had never gone out, and I also checked the windows of the bedroom, and they were all locked from the inside, so it is impossible for the princess to get out from the window."

After Liu Guang said so much in one breath, he was a little out of breath, so he took a breath and paused.

Yu Juechen hurriedly asked, "Then what's your Highness's reaction?"

Liu Guang recalled, and said: "Your Highness was so anxious at the time, he asked me to look for the concubine in the hall, and at the same time he called her. But later, His Highness suddenly stopped calling, and he also didn't let me look for her."

"There is something strange!" Yu Juechen said with certainty: "Did anything special happen at that time?"

Liu Guang squinted his eyes and recalled: "At that time, there was an extra mandarin duck in the dormitory, and it was the one that His Highness kept with him from time to time. At that time, I wanted to throw that mandarin duck out, but His Highness refused."

"That mandarin duck, was there anything weird back then?"

"I vaguely saw two pearls on the neck of that mandarin duck. At that time, His Highness didn't let me go out to find the princess, saying that since her bird is here, she will come back."

After listening to Liu Guang, Yu Juechen stomped back and forth a few steps, and suddenly clapped his hands together: "I see!"

Liu Guang quickly asked, "What do you know?"

Yu Juechen said: "Your Highness must have regarded that mandarin duck as his little concubine. Otherwise, with His Highness's previous personality, how could he let a broken bird enter his bedroom and eat and live with it?"

"Ah??" Liu Guang was stunned for a moment, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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