Chapter 359 Here is...

As soon as Bai Yingying entered Medicine Ghost Valley, she saw a carriage parked at the door.

Cui An was dozing off in the car seat.

Bai Yingying stepped forward and patted on the car door.

Cui An was shocked, and immediately woke up from the dream. When he saw Bai Yingying, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly jumped off the carriage, and yelled respectfully.

"Hello princess!"

Bai Yingying glanced at him: "Qi Fang told you?"

Cui An nodded, then shook his head again: "It's not entirely true, the princess returned to her daughter's outfit yesterday, when we asked him, he accidentally slipped it.

However, please rest assured, princess, when we didn't know you were princess before, we all decided to be your bodyguards, now that we know your identity, we will definitely do our best to protect you. "

Bai Yingying nodded slightly: "I don't like to show off outside, so you should call me young master from now on."

"Yes, son."

"Has Miss Lou come over?"

"Miss Lou came here once in the afternoon, drove the carriage to the door, and left. Before leaving, she asked me to take care of the carriage, so I sat here and didn't go back. I didn't even eat dinner."

Bai Yingying nodded slightly, then turned around.

She raised her hand and pushed open the car door with a "swish", and a strong smell of blood rushed to her face instantly.

I saw that there were three thin wooden boxes in the carriage, which filled the carriage to the brim.

Under the box, blood flowed out, staining the ground of the carriage red.

Seeing Bai Yingying open the carriage, Cui An also came over. He looked up and down, and his heart trembled.

"Young master, here is..."

Bai Yingying didn't answer, but just jumped into the carriage and sat on one of the boxes. Wang Song spread his wings and flew into the carriage, then squatted at Bai Yingying's feet.

Bai Yingying raised her hand slightly: "Let's go, go to the medical clinic."

Cui An agreed, then jumped into the carriage, turned around and ran towards the medical center.

Not long after, the carriage arrived at the medical hall.

Qi Fang and Ji Ling saw Bai Yingying coming, and hurried over to greet her.

Bai Yingying waved to the two of them: "Qi Fang, Ji Ling, you go and push the three carts over here."

The two agreed and went.

Bai Yingying said to Cui An again: "You take down the wooden box in the carriage and open the lid."

Cui An agreed and began to move the boxes.

The box was not too heavy, and he moved it down quickly.

After that, he pulled out a dagger from his calf, lifted the iron nails on the wooden box, and opened the first wooden box.

When the box was opened, his eyes swept inside. With just one glance, he was so scared that he took several steps back.

"Ah, could there be a dead person in here?"

As Cui An said, he turned around, bent over and "vomited" by the side of the road.

Bai Yingying gave him a blank look: "You are a killer, have you never seen a dead person?"

Cui An covered his mouth: "Although I am a killer, I have never seen it so close, let alone such a miserable death, this is the first time I have seen it."

Bai Yingying frowned and glanced at him, then probed inside.

The people inside did die a bit miserably, half of their heads were cut off, and tofu-like brains flowed all over the floor.

Bai Yingying was a little puzzled. In ancient times, prisoners on death row were either beheaded, cut in half, or hanged. How could half of their heads be cut off?

She had never heard of such a death.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to teach Lou Cangyue and others to dissect and train them so that they can help when she performs surgery on Chu Tianci.

(End of this chapter)

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